
価格 100円
開発者lokesh hanumappa
リリース日2012-11-05 14:06:39
評価 評価が取得できませんでした。
互換性iOS 5.1以降が必要です。
iPhone、iPad および iPod touch 対応。
  • 2024-06-04 このアプリは現在ストアから情報が取得できません。削除された可能性があります。
Do You Work for Your Goals or Other's Goals?
Do You Work on Useless and Time Wasting Goals?
Do You Feel You are Passing Through Life instead of Living it? Instead of Proactively Planning it!

Well, these are most important Questions, but we never ask because we are busy in life.

"rightgoals" app has arrived, not Just to Ask these Questions, rather provide solutions too.

Features include
1) Add Goals of 4 Types (4 Quadrants)
2) Record Action on Goals. See if its Done or Due.
3) Email Goals to your Near and Dear Ones. Emails can be edited before sending and hence can be done even in AirPlane mode and will be sent based on internet availability
4) Delete Goals Individually, Group or All
5) See a Summary of Your Efforts on Various Types of Goals which will Answer all the questions asked above. You can Email the Summary to Your Near and Dear Ones too.
6) Set Alerts/Reminders of Hourly/Daily/Weekly/Monthly so that You remain focused
7) Few Quotes(Thoughts) to Inspire
8) If You would like to reuse a Goal which is already Done, Just select and hit the Done again which will make the status again to Due. This eliminates the need to re-create goals

You Might Have Heard First Things First, But Are You Practicing it? "rightgoals" app will help you Practice it.

There are 4 Quadrants or Types of Goals/Tasks
I) Goals which are Urgent and Important.
For example You are Sick and You need to Take Action. For example Your company may go bankrupt and you need to take action

II) Goals which are Not Urgent and Important.
This is all Proactive Planning. Examples Include Exercising, Health Checkup, Vacation with Kids, Business Planning etc. This doesn't appear Urgent, but extremely important

III) Goals which are Urgent and Not Important
This is primarily others Goals pushed on you. They make it appear like Urgent, but its not important for you. These are essentially interruptions

1V) Goals which are Not Urgent and Not Important
This is totally Time Wasting and Useless Goals

If You are spending a lot of Time in Quadrant I, Then Your Planning is not Good and essentially the Way to all kinds of Stresses in Life.

If You are spending a lot of Time in Quadrant III, Then You are Living Others Life. Time to Take Responsibility.

If You are spending a lot of Time in Quadrant IV, Then You are Achieving Nothing and will make You Unfulfilled in Life.

The More Time You Spend on Quadrant II, You will have Great Life.

"rightgoals" app will help you in the Journey to set Right Goals, Warn You when You are Spending Efforts OtherWise.

  • 現在ランキング圏外です。
更新日時:2024年6月4日 02時20分




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