Romania Traveler's Guide

価格 360円
開発者Sutro Media
リリース日2012-05-25 10:52:12
評価 評価が取得できませんでした。
互換性iOS 4.3以降が必要です。
iPhone、iPad および iPod touch 対応。
  • 2024-06-29 このアプリは現在ストアから情報が取得できません。削除された可能性があります。
★ A comprehensive guide for all budgets ★

Unlike most Romania travel apps, this app was not compiled at a desk, written by a nameless researcher with information copied from Wikipedia and travel websites. This app was researched on the ground by me, Leif Pettersen, Romania guidebook author and former Romania resident.

Romania is hotbed of social contradictions these days. Its sizable rural and peasant population (43% of the total population) is coping with dizzying new farming and livestock rules that EU membership brought with it and trying to keep its identity in the face of MTV and Redbull. Super cars and horse-drawn carts jockey for position on the roads (neither looking out for the other) and fashionable, smartphone engrossed youth loiter in parks with Ceausescu-era survivors.

While this clash of attitude is arresting, it doesn’t hold a candle to Romania’s true appeal: mind-bending mountains, dusty villages, bucolic scenery, painted monasteries, Europe’s second largest delta, castles, palaces and vampires just to name a few.

It can sometimes be a challenging place to travel, but there are few places left in Europe with this much bang for the buck.

This app covers Romania's primary tourism destinations, namely Bucharest, Southern Transylvania (Brasov, Sighisoara and Sibiu), the peasant region of Maramures, Cluj-Napoca, Suceava and the Painted Monasteries, Iasi, Timisoara, Constanta/Mamaia and the resorts of the Black Sea Coast, and the Danube Delta. It includes entries on all of Romania's top attractions, a wide range of accommodations options, restaurants, nightlife, transport information, city introductions, history, cultural trivia, cuisine and much more all gleaned from my seven years of living, traveling and researching the country.

★ About the Author ★

Leif Pettersen, a freelance travel writer based in Minneapolis, Minnesota, is a Lonely Planet author with expertise in Romania, Moldova and Tuscany. His writing appears in over two dozen books and print publications as well as numerous online outlets. He is also the author of Sutro's Florence Explorer app for iPhone and Android.

Leif lived in the Romanian city of Iasi for nearly 1.5 years and has traveled extensively throughout Romania, visiting over 100 cities, towns and villages during his six years serving as Lonely Planet's Romania guidebook author. He is, as such, considered a leading resource on independent travel in Romania.

Leif has visited 51 countries, loves chocolate, hates pickles, types with exactly four fingers, and can escape from a straitjacket. He has not vomited since 1993, making him a consummate travel journalist and excellent party guest.

★ About Sutro Media ★

This guide is published in partnership with Sutro Media. By enabling local writers to share their expertise on mobile phones, Sutro Media is making it easier and more fun to explore the world!

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  • 現在ランキング圏外です。
更新日時:2024年6月29日 16時29分




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