Vector Message Service World Wide

価格 無料
開発者Apino Soft
リリース日2012-05-15 13:28:01
評価 評価が取得できませんでした。
互換性iOS 以降が必要です。
iPhone、iPad および iPod touch 対応。
  • 2024-06-04 このアプリは現在ストアから情報が取得できません。削除された可能性があります。
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Super! New way of messaging!!!

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APINO LLC (Apino Soft) offers Vector Message World WIde, a new kind of social, collaborative and business interaction for your mobile device. It is built on Vector Message Service technology.

Already using Text and MMS, now you can bring your experience one step forward – in real time. Graphical images you create using your hands will appear instantly on the on the screens of those you choose to share the live session with.

“One picture is worth of thousand words”. Instead of talking on the phone, now you have a lightning speed opportunity to share your creative ideas. Jump start brainstorming by letting participants in your session to pick up your ideas and draw on top of them. Whether they choose to build up on what you draw or throw in their own imagination, the collective creativity is brought to another level. Nothing brings people closer than creating something out of the ordinary together.

The evolution goes from SMS and MMS to the new concept: VMS. You evolve from exchanging simple texts and static images to sharing actions in real time using VMS. This brings you one virtual leap forward to a richer and fuller communication.

There some easy examples to start with.

You are away from home while your children learn to write their first letters. Thanks to VMS, this once in a lifetime experience is not going to get lost. Start the application and witness how your child is drawing the letters of any language you desire in their own cute writing to compose meaningful words like “I love you, mom and dad”. Without hesitation you draw something in response and become part of your child's excitement! Save the session to relive this event in the years to come.

Getting back to business, you’re sitting at your work desk while your coworker is in the field trying to figure out the changes you want to communicate. Fortunately, you have VMS. Load old drawings on your phone and send them to the other parties. Open an existing drawing in the VMS application and draw changes instantly. Then endorse, document or save it for your records. Use different colors to distinguish each other actions. No uncertainties are left to chance.

VMS capabilities:
-Soft real time graphic and vector message exchange on a sharing canvas.
-Text exchange for participants.
-Export vector format into binary image (JPEG)
-Contact status and message status monitoring.
-User status and user message status management.
-Contact alias change.
-Contact search.
-Group support.
-Asynchronous multiple account use.
-Cancellation or iteration of latest actions (undo/redo);
-Session serialization (save) and recovery.
-Lost session recovery.
-Offline mode option.

Hardware requirements:
iPod Touch
iPhone 3G / 3GS / 4 / 4S
iPad 2

Software requirements:
iOS 4.0 and higher

- Full screen for iPad
- Change orientation for iPad
- Simplistically adding users in contact list
- Push notifications
- and more
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更新日時:2024年6月4日 01時23分




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