ClaroSpeak UK

価格 300円
114.9MB (ダウンロードにWIFIが必要)
開発者Claro Software Limited
リリース日2012-04-27 16:00:00
評価 評価が取得できませんでした。
互換性iOS 6.0以降が必要です。
iPhone、iPad および iPod touch 対応。
  • 2024-09-27 このアプリは現在ストアから情報が取得できません。削除された可能性があります。
ClaroSpeak is a high-quality text-to-speech reader capable of speaking any accessible text with a range of human-sounding high-quality voices. ClaroSpeak offers the option of visual highlighting in-sync with the spoken words, a great range of colour and font settings to allow for optimum reading, and word prediction to help with writing. ClaroSpeak is a quality app for proofreading text through listening, helping with reading and literacy development and creating audio files from any text.


• Text-to-Speech
- Users can import documents and PDFs into ClaroSpeak from apps such as Mail, or import PDF, Word and other files directly from Dropbox using ClaroSpeak's Dropbox integration. Type into ClaroSpeak and then speak it back. Users can check text and proofread quickly and easily.
- Text from any app can be copied and pasted into ClaroSpeak ready to be read back.
- Apple's speech recognition can be used to dictate text directly into ClaroSpeak, and can be listened back to ensure it is right.
- Save the text as an audio file using the same high-quality voice.

• High-Quality Voices
4 high-quality Nuance Vocalizer voices are included in this edition:
◆ Daniel - English (UK)
◆ Serena - English (UK)
◆ Monica - Spanish (Spain)
◆ Virginie - French (France)

The voice can be made to speak faster or slower as suits the user. The voices are installed within ClaroSpeak, so they work when not online and do not use up any expensive data allowance.

Additional voices in 27 languages and even more accents are available through in-app purchase in ClaroSpeak.

• Word Prediction
Word prediction helps with writing more quickly and accurately. Train dictionaries from the current text so the best suggestions come up first.

• Visual Highlighting
Text is highlighted as the text is read back. Highlighting allows users to coordinate reading and listening. ClaroSpeak lets users pick the colour and style of highlighting required.
There are four highlighting modes to choose from: None, Word by Word highlighting, Word Trail highlighting or Sentence highlighting.

• Font and Colour
Change the font size, colour or use a more-readable font to maximise ease-of-reading, making ClaroSpeak easily adaptable to different users' needs.

• Save to Audio
Convert any text into an audio file with any of the high-quality voices. This is quick and easy, allowing text to be listened to on the move. Great for proofreading on the go.

• Send Text
Text created within ClaroSpeak can be emailed, sent via SMS, or copied and pasted into another app, like Safari – great to help ensure everything is right. The Apple spellcheck works in ClaroSpeak too, further helping accuracy. Sending to Facebook and Twitter lets you join in with social media (available on devices running iOS 6.0+)

• Dropbox Integration
Open documents stored in Dropbox directly in ClaroSpeak. Save text and audio files directly back to Dropbox. Great for transferring files between devices and keeping files in the cloud.

• Language Learning
ClaroSpeak can assist with second language learning and vocalisation. A French and a Spanish voice are included in this edition so users can hear text in a foreign language spoken aloud and listen back to their own text as it is typed – great for learning how to pronounce the text correctly. In-app purchases are available to allow users to buy more voices.

For the latest news, tips and advice follow @ClaroSpeak on Twitter

+ Bug fixes
  • 現在ランキング圏外です。
更新日時:2024年9月27日 08時20分




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