Amopic HD

価格 900円
開発者Emitte Digital Limited
リリース日2012-04-10 11:23:22
評価 評価が取得できませんでした。
互換性iOS 5.0以降が必要です。
iPad 対応。
  • 2024-09-21 このアプリは現在ストアから情報が取得できません。削除された可能性があります。
Amopic HD is an all in one photo editing suite for your new iPad. This comprehensive app puts all of the powerful image editing features you love using on your PC right in your hand. Amopic HD lets you repair or enhance images on the fly, or even create your own artwork from scratch! Click "...More" to learn why you should download this App today!

Very comprehensive
Pretty comprehensive App that packs in a lot of features. It combines several other Apps into one! I just got it a few minutes ago, but will be busy playing with it for a while. Love it so far.

Great app with a lot of function. Several apps into one.
--Marcio Arruda - PALMFORUM BR

Everybody knows you can't get professional looking photo editing results from a tablet, right? Once upon a time that may have been true, but Amopic HD now brings professional quality photo editing tools to your new iPad, so you can get the results you're looking for without being tied to down to your computer. Whether you just need to fix red eye or crop an image, or go all out with text and special effects, Amopic HD gives you fantastic results with just a few clicks.

Amopic HD adjustment features include:
* Crop, resize, flip and rotate
* HSL adjustment
* RGB and contrast refinement

Discretely add effects to a small part of your image, or dramatically change the entire photo with filters and other special features!

Effects include:
* Pixelize / Mosaic
* Edge detection
* Red eye removal
* Despeckle
* Emboss
* Blur / Sharpen
* Filters including: Sepia, Greyscale, Solarize, Posterize and Noise
* Flashlight and Lighten effects

Since it's right there on your device, Amopic HD goes everywhere that you go. Whether you're sitting on a park bench, at the beach, or on your lunch break at work, you can quickly and easily edit photos and save them in your device.

Feeling creative? Use Amopic's drawing tools to enhance your pics with drawings, paint, geometric shapes and more; or get really artistic and create your own artwork from a blank canvas. Save your masterpiece to your device to share with your friends or post on the internet later. Nobody will believe that you created it on a tablet!

Amopic HD drawing tools include:
* Paintbrush / Pencil, eraser
* Copy and Paste within single or multiple images
* Text of different colors, size
* Fill / Gradient fill
* Shapes (Line, Star, Polygon etc)
* Spirograph

Unlike PC based photo editing software, you won't find confusing menus or unnecessary options cluttering up your screen. Amopic HD supports the same gesture based controls you're already used to, so it's easy to learn and fun to use.

Download Amopic HD now and unchain yourself from that bulky, confusing PC based photo editing software. You'll create perfect photos and artwork in minutes, but your friends will think it took you hours..

See this app in action here:

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更新日時:2024年9月21日 07時58分




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