PLANiT Social Planner

価格 200円
開発者Intelligent Design+Communications
リリース日2012-03-30 05:21:13
評価 評価が取得できませんでした。
互換性iOS 以降が必要です。
iPhone、iPad および iPod touch 対応。
  • 2024-09-27 このアプリは現在ストアから情報が取得できません。削除された可能性があります。
Take control of your social life – PLANiT puts you in the middle of your social universe. You decide the who, what, when, and where of a plan and send it to whatever contacts you want. PLANiT quickly and simply formats your plans into an easy-to-read, hard-to-resist invitation quickly and simply. Messages come from your phone number - no Facebook or weird 3rd party.

PLANiT messages can be viewed on any mobile phone. The messages even include location coordinates that can be viewed on any GPS-enabled phone

You don’t need to go through the hassle of finding out individually what each of your friends is doing and when they might be available and then trying to coordinate with multiple people and groups. With a few touches of the screen all the friends you want have all the information they need to get ready for, and meet you at a chosen destination. The messages even include location coordinates that can be viewed on any GPS-enabled phone, that your friends can use to get directions to any location, even if they have never heard of or been there before.

One of the other things that makes it unique is that there is no third party interference, you don’t have to sign up for a service or give your information to a website, it doesn’t prompt your friends to download the app and they can receive messages on any mobile phone, and there are no social media hoops to jump through. Another perk is that all the information is generated from your phone and your personal phone number. All messages from PLANiT can be viewed on any mobile phone.

Another great feature of PLANiT is the “shout out” function. A shout out sends your location and a short message to any contacts you want, with one simple action. Find yourself somewhere during happy hour or a great live band, or a surprisingly good house party? Simply hit shout out and let your friends know what’s happening, no hassle and no fuss and your friends know what you are up to so they can to join you.

PLANiT is not just for getting your friends together for a good time, it is also a great meeting planner for doing business. Setting up meetings with multiple colleagues can be a huge hassle, everybody’s work schedules are generally quite full. PLANiT lets you coordinate with everybody in just one simple message. Settting up a lunch meeting at a great new restaurant? All PLANiT messages come with location coordinates that the recipient can use to get directions with just a tap of the screen. Whether it is for fun or for business (not that they are mutually exclusive… right?), PLANiT will make you next get together easy and enjoyable.

•View details of upcoming plans
•Send a prod or reminder to friends about upcoming events
•Customize your outgoing messages
•All messages and information is private, no 3rd party
•Quick and easy to use interface

Maybe you have seen some other apps that do similar things, the differences between our app and those apps are:
•The messages are sent from your personal phone number so message recipients can easily understand who the message is coming from, other apps use a third party server so the messages come from number like 38-658 or an out of area number not associated with you.
•Everything in PLANiT is generated from your own phone, other apps coordinate things through social media, like Facebook and Foursquare, which can leave your friends who don’t use social media (gasp!) hanging out to dry.
•Once you download PLANiT you are finished and can use it any way you want, other apps want your personal information so they can sell it to marketers (and sometimes all of your contacts’ info like what Path got caught doing), or make you and anyone who wants to view your message sign up for their service or buy their app as well.

Local Search Code by Victor C. Van Hee

  • 現在ランキング圏外です。
更新日時:2024年9月27日 16時25分




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