iDocs HD Pro for Google Docs™ and Google Drive™

価格 600円
リリース日2012-02-03 17:00:00
星3 (2人)
星2 (9人)
互換性iOS 5.0以降が必要です。
iPad 対応。
  • 2024-09-27 このアプリは現在ストアから情報が取得できません。削除された可能性があります。
***Your first choice for Google Docs and Google Drive.***

iDocs: the most intuitive and robust app for managing Google Docs and Google Drive on iPad. Create, edit, share and view your Google documents with an easy-to-use and intuitive interface, built from the ground to take advantage of iPad's revolutionary form and functionality. From creating spreadsheets to live-editing text documents, iDocs HD Pro gives you a direct line to the full Google Docs and Google Drive suite.

✔User Comments:

★★★★★ Great for Google Docs.
“I've used a lot of different apps to manage my google docs, this one by far is my favorite of all that I have tried.” —Kipling Mann

★★★★★ Great at what it does
“I found it very easy to use and I think they have worked out all the bugs that people complained about before because I have not had any problems so far and now I can manage my Google Docs better with my iPad.” —Dreadnok

★★★★★ I like this App!
“The UI is very good and the functions all work well! Highly recommend it!” —Alex L


☆Google Drive Supported☆

☆All-Encompassing Document Support☆

Create and edit frequently used document types including documents, spreadsheets and collections. Moreover, it allows to search, view, share, email and print all document types supported by Google docs, covering .doc, .docx, .ppt, .xls, .pdf, .rtf, .mp3 etc.

☆Powerful Spreadsheets editing☆
You can edit freely in this multiple functional editor and also formulas show up! It makes your operations more intuitive and experience more better.

☆A fully optimized word editor☆
The new editor makes you feel at home before desktop. You can easily set the text formats, including the font family, the font size, the paragraph format, also the images and tables inserted essentially. When mailed to others, the documents are automatically transformed to PDF, which ensure a most fidelity with contents. What's more, tables formats changing does be supported. Make your wonderful documents by this fluently working application.

☆Magnificent Sorting☆

Sort documents by Title, Owner, and Last Modified in an easily navigable list.

☆Real-time Syncing☆

Your documents can be synchronized with Google Docs simultaneously. Always have the freshest version of your documents at hand. New files can be created in iDocs and uploaded to your Google Docs account at once. (Internet connection required)

☆Enterprise Support☆

iDocs will exceed your business needs with full enterprise account support.

☆Multiple Accounts☆

iDocs gives you full access to multiple business and personal accounts. Manage all your Google Docs accounts with trouble-free account switching.

☆Effortless File Selection☆

With a concise menu, you can identify and select each file by a tap of your finger.

☆Offline Viewing☆

iDocs is optimized for viewing downloaded Google Docs when out of wifi or cellular range. On a plane or out to sea, you'll be able to bring your work wherever your travel leads to. Also you can directly enter the offline version to revert your changes when online editing.

☆Uploading documents to Google Drive☆
This amazing function saves you from carrying your documents back and forth. You can easily transfer your documents outside iDocs to iDocs(equally to Google Drive) by 'open in iDocs HD Pro'. Over uploading stage, the documents become iDocs being!

iDocs HD Pro fulfills your mobile productivity demands by marrying the accessibility of Google Docs with the brilliant design of the iPad. Your efficiency will be blown through the roof with this intuitive app!

Notice: Google Docs is the product of Google, Inc. iDocs HD Pro is not owned by or affiliated with the Google Docs IP, which is the trademark of Google, Inc.

fix some bugs
  • 現在ランキング圏外です。
更新日時:2024年9月27日 20時21分




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