Score Keeper - The digital score pad point tracker for Sports, Card and Board games

価格 120円
開発者Makenai Team
リリース日2012-01-13 17:00:00
評価 評価が取得できませんでした。
互換性iOS 7.0以降が必要です。
iPhone、iPad および iPod touch 対応。
  • 2024-06-26 このアプリは現在ストアから情報が取得できません。削除された可能性があります。
Transform your iPad and/or iPhone into an infinite digital score book, ideal for sports, card, and board games of all varities. With Score Keeper you can jump right in or manage game types and results in a simple, sane manner and share them with friends and family via e-mail, Facebook or Twitter.

Score Keeper comes with 3 modes:

• Quick Game - Where you can quickly dive in and start tracking scores for any number of players.
• Active Games - Here you can create game types, apply custom settings and manage your games by date and name.
• Archived Games - Once a game is complete, you can archive it to de-clutter the Active tab. These games can still be viewed via the Archive section.

Score Keeper features:

• Universal app, you can install this app on your iPhone and iPad, never be without it.
• Manage thousands of games and players in one app.
• Score handling up to 1 billion points.
• Quick Start tab pre-populated with 4 Players for quick access.
• Clear all your scores in two taps (once to apply, once to confirm) ready to start a new game.
• Hold down the + or - buttons to change the score at an increasingly accelerated rate.
• Create and house your games in Custom Game types (e.g. Football, Monopoly, Black Jack - Active and Archive tab only).
• Game type name and Player name autocompletion for fast setup.
• Add unit names, like "Goals", "Wins", "$" and toggle their appearance via the customisation menu.
• Custom increments, decrements, initial starting amounts and unit names (Active and Archive tab only).
• Manage multiple games of any type, just navigate between them (Active and Archive tab only).
• Share your results via e-mail, Twitter or Facebook. Score Keeper even fills out the game type, name and date for you.
• Archive complete games (Making them un-editable) and store them for future reference and sharing.

Small fix for editing number values on a game type settings page on the iPhones.
  • 現在ランキング圏外です。
更新日時:2024年6月26日 11時34分




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