The Traditional Storyteller - The Three Little Pigs

価格 360円
132.5MB (ダウンロードにWIFIが必要)
開発者Day Two Productions Ltd
リリース日2011-12-10 11:44:24
評価 評価が取得できませんでした。
互換性iOS 7.0以降が必要です。
iPhone、iPad および iPod touch 対応。
  • 2024-06-17 このアプリは現在ストアから情報が取得できません。削除された可能性があります。
**** WINNER!! UK Bett Award 2015. Best Early Years Digital Resource. ****

**** WINNER!! UK Educational Resource Award ****

**** WINNER!! Gold and Overall category winner for Practical Pre-school Awards. Awarded a perfect score of 100%! ****

Winner of 3 prestigious UK Education Awards and also perfect for use at home.

Give your kids a head start in speaking and listening skills which are proven to lead to better writing.

**** WINNER!! Silver Medal in Parent's Choice Award ****

**** Golden App Award - 5/5 Apples. Apps for Homeschooling ****

**** Editor’s Choice - 4.5 stars. ‘Excellent App’ - Best Apps for kids ****

“Take a look at the Traditional Storyteller apps - they're brilliant! Kids LOVE them!”
Review from Teachers with Apps.

“The Traditional Storyteller apps are completely irresistible, engaging, vibrant …We spent an entire afternoon sharing these stories with each other – laughing, singing, recording narrations...’
Overall Rating: 5/5 : Mom’s Rating: 5/5; Kids’ Rating: 5/5
Review from Apps for Homeschooling

“It was an entirely different experience than we normally have with applications. The kids got very still, and very quiet and they paid attention. Once the story was done the kids were practically frantic for the extras. Each activity helped drive the story home.”
Review from Best Apps for Kids

So, what is a Traditional Storyteller? It's someone who has mastered the art of telling a story so well that the words come to life and transform themselves into pictures in a child's imagination. It's the way we've learned for millennia and it's absolutely captivating.

It's also highly educational. Children’s early knowledge of stories is one of the most important indicators of later educational achievement.

With the Traditional Storyteller you can access the very best traditional storytellers on your iPad, iPhone or iPod whenever and wherever you like.

This app features Cat Weatherill and tells the old favourite story of the Three Little Pigs. As you'd expect there's a lot of huffing and puffing by the big bad wolf, whilst the pigs build their houses.

All the Traditional Storyteller apps feature a master storyteller talking directly to the child. No gimmicks, no sound effects, just the storyteller enrapturing the child through the expressive use of words, gestures, facial expressions and direct eye contact.

As well as the story, there are three games within the app that have been developed by teachers and use proven classroom techniques to develop children’s listening, understanding, speaking and literacy.

Each App includes:

• A classic tale from around the world, told by an Internationally renowned storyteller.
• Map Game. Rearrange the illustrated audio tiles into the right order – a fun way to understand the structure of the story.
• Listen and Repeat Game. Children listen to a short section of the story and record themselves re-telling it.
• Tell Your Story Game – builds on the other games and allows the child (or parent) to record their own version of the story and email it to relatives or friends
• Best Bits. A short selection of ‘best bits’ chosen by our little testers.

To give this app as a gift, click on 'Gift This App' in the top left hand drop down menu next to ‘buy app’ and follow the instructions.

Other Apps in The Traditional Storyteller series include:
* How The Elephant Got His Trunk, told by Peter Chand
* Too Much Talk, told by Effua Daniels (Winner, BFFTA best TV personality award)
* Anancie And The Drum Of Common Sense, told by Tuup
* The Giant Turnip, told by Katrice Horsley (UK National Storytelling Laureate)

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更新日時:2024年6月17日 22時38分




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