Trek Nepal

価格 600円
リリース日2011-11-22 01:51:19
評価 評価が取得できませんでした。
互換性iOS 3.0以降が必要です。
iPhone、iPad および iPod touch 対応。
  • 2024-09-28 このアプリは現在ストアから情報が取得できません。削除された可能性があります。
The Trek Nepal App is THE app for those interested in trekking in the Nepalese Himalayas! It includes a huge amount of information and useful features for anyone interested in, or planning a trip to Nepal.

Features include:

- information on the different trekking regions in Nepal.

- detailed information on many individual trekking routes including interactive maps and profiles.

- information on several of Nepal's trekking peaks including maps and photos.

- a fantastic forum where you can discuss, ask questions and share your experiences with fellow trekkers.

- a photo gallery featuring photos from fellow trekkers. Add your photos from your trek!

- GPS feature with altitude reading.

- a currency converter that works offline (using latest available prices)

- a useful gear checklist with detailed information on essential items.

- 2 fun & educational quizzes. Test your knowledge of Nepal and the Himalayas against other trekkers and take the Trek Safe Quiz to make sure you are prepared in the mountains.

A great app to help plan your trip to the Himalayas, to share your experiences and to learn more about trekking in Nepal.


Reviews in the media:, March 2012:

"The New Travel Technology: Niche Destination Apps"

The Huffington Post, March 2012:

"Top 10 Adventure Travel Apps"


3 great new features added:

- Trek Chat: amazing new feature that lets you locate and send instant messages to other trekkers!

Simply swipe across any screen to bring up the Trek Chat menu and use your Facebook or Twitter profile to identify yourself. Get chatting with fellow trekkers from across the world!

- Photo Map: it's back!! Due to popular demand we have improved and reintroduced the Photo Map.

See users trekking photos plotted on a map of Nepal and add your own!

- Elevation Profiling: very cool new feature where you can plot a route on a map then see the elevation profile for that route.

Several popular treks are plotted for you which can be customised. You can also clear the map and plot your own route and see it's ascent & decent profile.


We have also updated the Location Map to include many important locations in Nepal. This includes tourist destinations, airports and the main Himalayan peaks. Click on each pin for more information on each site.


All of the new features require an internet connection (WiFi or 3G).
  • 現在ランキング圏外です。
更新日時:2024年9月28日 22時16分




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