The Obersalzberg, Hitler´s Home

価格 300円
開発者vr-fabrik, virtual reality und multimedia gmbh
リリース日2011-12-01 12:07:47
評価 評価が取得できませんでした。
互換性iOS 4.0以降が必要です。
iPhone、iPad および iPod touch 対応。
  • 2024-06-16 このアプリは現在ストアから情報が取得できません。削除された可能性があります。
The Obersalzberg- Hitler’s Home
A guide to explore the history of a mountain
including GPS coordinates

The use of the "Swastika" and other symbols of the german fashist regime in any images presented in this book, do NOT represent an endorsement of the political goals of the N.S.D.A.P. by either the author, Dr. John Provan, publisher, LZC-Verlag, or programmers by any means. Their usage within this context, is strictly intended for educational purposes only.

The architecture of the Third Reich has long been a subject of interest to historians throughout the world. Many books have addressed the topic; however, none have dealt in depth, with what may well be, the largest construction undertaken during the Third Reich period. This project was the construction of Adolf Hitler’s home and adjoining complexes on the Obersalzberg Mountain, in southern Germany, as well as the surrounding area. Since this period in German history remains a subject of great discussion, especially since Germany’s re-unification; this book will not deal with the political or moral questions surrounding the topic. This book is strictly intended to shed some light on the secrets of Hitler’s mountain, whose remains and ruins are quickly disappearing from the landscape.

The GPS coordinates provided, are intended to give the reader a first hand reference as to the locations mentioned in the text.

Dr. John Provan III was born in 1956, in Steubenville, Ohio. His father, an Air Force Chief Master-Sergeant John Provan Jr., who was assigned to Germany for almost 20 years, where he grew up in the Kaiserslautern, Sembach and Frankfurt-Rhein-Main areas. John has collected for more than 35 years and has amassed the largest private library on LTA, with over 1,200 books and 20,000 photos. His primary interest has evolved though, in now preserving the history of American Forces in Germany. Here alone, he has obtained some 250,000 images, films and sound recordings from 1945, to present
Provan obtained his B.A. from the University of Maryland in 1979. He wrote his M.A. thesis on the “German Airship during World War One” and PhD thesis on the “German Airship sheds”, both degrees from the University of Darmstadt. Dr. Provan has organized numerous exhibits and/or written books on various topics, to include: Thomas Edison, 100th anniversary of the Wright brothers, the Dornier Do-X, AFN-the American Forces Network, the Kinderlifts and the Berlin Airlift. He has also appeared on several TV documentaries; for the History Channel, HR, ZDF, A&E and AFN.

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