価格 無料
開発者Jason Stelzel
リリース日2011-10-15 05:00:01
評価 評価が取得できませんでした。
互換性iOS 4.0以降が必要です。
iPhone、iPad および iPod touch 対応。
  • 2024-06-27 このアプリは現在ストアから情報が取得できません。削除された可能性があります。
SMPTEcalc offers an easy way to calculate SMPTE timecode durations, in and out-points as well as conversions to other formats. It supports 23.976 (a.k.a. "23.98"), 24, 25, 29.97 DF and 30 ND frames per second framerates along with 4 time/counter display formats: timecode, realtime, seconds and frames. You can freely switch between various formats and timebases and do simple IN/OUT/DURATION math to answer questions or diagnose problems related to timecode.

You can also also enable "Accumulate and FIT" mode (whenever a plus or minus symbol is showing) that accumulates a total of multiple DURations in the OUT point. This OUT point can easily be OFFSET by changing the IN point to see how it would fit in an editing timeline or other context that has a hole to be filled.

Diagnose a "drop-frame" vs. "non-drop-frame" issue by entering a timecode in one timebase (29.97 DF) and then switching to another (30 ND).

Calculate the frames of animation needed by entering a duration in "Seconds" and then switching the display to "Frames".

Please take a moment to visit SMPTEcalc's sponsors who help to keep SMPTEcalc a free app!

v1.1.1 - resolves "zero" display issue.

v1.1.0 - Multiple durations can now be added to or subtracted from the IN and OUT points. This allows you to build a sort of "virtual clip" which is the total of all of the durations you add to it. If the duration-LED is already lit, tap it again to enter "Accumulate and FIT" mode (the duration-LED will turn into a plus symbol). Tap it again and it will change to a minus symbol. When the plus symbol is showing, tap the OUT button to add the DURation to the OUT. When the minus symbol is showing, tap the OUT button to subtract the DURation from the OUT.

Changing the non-calculated field (with a dark-LED) adds an offset to the calculated field (with a lit-LED) when in "Accumulate and FIT" mode. This allows you to see if the total of the accumulated clips will fit within a space available on an editing timeline using any start time to check it. As long as SMPTEcalc's newly offset OUT time is less than the OUT time available on the editing timeline, the total duration will fit.

The "info/feedback" button was moved to the other side of the screen to make it less likely to be pressed when you intended to hit the IN button.

Shake to UNDO the most recent field entry or calculation.

Better image compression and code efficiency have reduced the overall app storage footprint by over 60%.

Please take a moment to visit SMPTEcalc's sponsors who help to keep SMPTEcalc a free app!
  • 現在ランキング圏外です。
更新日時:2024年6月27日 03時38分




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