世界文化藝術節 2011 - 游藝亞洲 | World Cultures Festival 2011 – Enchanting Arts of Asia

価格 無料
開発者Festivals Office, Leisure and Cultural Services Department, HKSAR
リリース日2011-08-08 16:00:00
評価 評価が取得できませんでした。
互換性iOS 以降が必要です。
iPhone、iPad および iPod touch 対応。
本程式由香港特別行政區政府康樂及文化事務署藝術節辦事處製作,提供「世界文化藝術節2011 ─ 游藝亞洲」最新節目資訊。本屆藝術節將於10月20日至11月20日舉行,以亞洲藝術為主題,展現亞洲區內最具代表性的藝術家、藝團和表演形式,表彰亞洲藝術的傳統精華和創新面貌,同時展示亞洲各地風格迥異的文化珍寶。

..:: 應用程式特色 ::..
- 節目:瀏覽節目內容、節目短片、相片及票務詳情
- 節目一覽:按節目類別或日期找出心水節目,方便快捷
- 其他:瀏覽其他活動包括展覽、大師班、工作坊、講座、示範講座及免費演出
- 最新消息:緊貼藝術節最新消息
- 分享:透過Facebook或電郵分享你喜愛的節目
- 語言選擇:繁體中文、簡體中文及英文

This iPhone application is produced by the Festivals Office, Leisure and Cultural Services Department of the Hong Kong SAR Government. It provides the latest news and programme information of the World Cultures Festival 2011 – Enchanting Arts of Asia. Running from 20 October to 20 November, the Festival will feature an array of diversified and high quality performing arts programmes from the Asian region; aiming not only to offer a dynamic platform for representative artists and groups but also to showcase their multi-faceted traditions and perspectives.

..:: App Features ::..
- Programmes: Full programme details with video clips, photos and ticketing information
- All Events: Search programmes by art form or by date
- Others: Full details of fringe activities; including exhibitions, masterclass, workshops, talks, lecture demonstrations and free performances
- What’s New: Find out the latest news about the Festival
- Share: Share your favourite programmes with friends through Facebook or Email
- Language Support: Traditional Chinese, Simplified Chinese and English

Add music support in programme page.
Support more function in webview.
Changed App icon / name.
Minor bug fix.
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