xMix - Logic Edition

価格 480円
開発者Digital Music Technology Ltd
リリース日2011-08-05 07:22:44
評価 評価が取得できませんでした。
互換性iOS 5.0以降が必要です。
iPad 対応。
  • 2024-09-27 このアプリは現在ストアから情報が取得できません。削除された可能性があります。
xMix - Logic Edition is an interactive, user friendly MIDI DAW (Digital Audio Workstation) Control Surface specifically designed and optimized for use with Logic Pro 9.

No drivers required. Powered by CoreMidi Networking Technology with speeds of almost zero latency, xMix-Logic Edition connects wirelessly and seamlessly interacts with Logic Pro 9.

The xMix user interface displays the absolute state of play in Logic Pro direct to your iPad. Giving you the freedom to control your session from anywhere within wifi range, delivering a new sense of control in your studio.

*See our website www.iXimix.com for installation and user instructions*
*Please register your purchase with us on our website for personal support and to use our forums*

<<<< Featuring >>>>

Unlimited Tracks (in banks of 8)
8 Virtual Faders assignable to almost any purpose.
8 Virtual Multi-purpose Rotary Pots
Complete Channel Strip Control over Pans, Solo, Mute, Record arm.
Full VU db Meter displays for each channel.
Scribble LCD strip displays name for each highlighted track.

<<< EQ >>>

For each channel, with one touch you have the power to access, control and modify the current EQ settings, with a mix of faders and VPots you can infinitely and precisely control each band of EQ.

<<< Instruments >>>

Once your instrument has been selected xMix auto-configures all controllable parameters to the either the 8 VPots, 8 Faders, or a mix of both. Each control available is noted in the LCD display area so you are always 100% on top of the controls.

<<< Plugins >>>

Once in Plugin Mode, xMix will offer you access to all the plugins loaded in the channel. As with the Instruments, xMix automatically maps the available functions and parameters to the 8 VPots or faders.

<<< Transport Control >>>

All the important Play, Stop, FF, Rewind, Record and Loop are situated at the bottom of screen. you can also use the scrub wheel to surf from one end of the track to the other.

<<< Multi Functions >>>

xMix offer a wide range of extra controls over your Logic session. From automation to general copy pasting xMix has it all available directly from your iPad.

<<< Multi views >>>

xMix gives you easy control over the views and screens which presented in Logic. Direct from your iPad you can open close the mixer window, select form audio/midi/instruments channels, quickly change to notation mode. Any screen you want to access, with one or maximum 2 touches you are there. No more reaching for the mouse, just touch and go..

This is just the beginning, the best is yet to come. xMix will be updated continuously over the forthcoming months and years to expand this control base into new futuristic and minimalist designs to help propagate the flow of creativity and energy into your working Logic session.

**** Don't use Logic Pro ?? Looking for a solution for ProTools, Steinberg, Sonar or Live ? Check http://www.iXiMiX.com to see our current range of iOS Control surfaces. ****

iOS update
  • 現在ランキング圏外です。
更新日時:2024年9月27日 12時48分




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