Bedtime Bunny Tales: Tortoise and the Hare Lite HD

価格 無料
142.3MB (ダウンロードにWIFIが必要)
開発者New Fuel Studio
リリース日2011-08-09 09:46:55
評価 評価が取得できませんでした。
互換性iOS 4.3以降が必要です。
iPhone、iPad および iPod touch 対応。
  • 2024-09-02 このアプリは現在ストアから情報が取得できません。削除された可能性があります。
**!!First 12 pages FREE!!!-This is the full book**
**NOTE: This is for iPad**
If your looking for the iPhone version please download the version without "HD" Thank you!**

**Now you can skip to "lights out" from each chapter and access any of the pages from the menu.***

You spoke and we listened! Thanks to everyone for the great feedback.
Check out our other hippity hoppity apps for toddlers!!

** A true bedtime story that ends with lights out**
**Super interactive, fun to read and beautiful characters**

Bedtime Bunny Tales is an interactive storybook that is perfect for bedtime. This twist on the tortoise and the hare is not only an adventure but teaches a timely truth- that greed can be a dangerous trap.

•Unique interactivity with original voices
•Animations that bring pages to life
•Film score quality-music composed specifically for the app by Sean Beeson
•Captivating narration by Hollywood Actor Oliver Muirhead
•3D tilting interactivity on some pages
•Read along with or without narration
•Use finger swipe action to goto the next page

The artist behind BTBT's, Sam Gebhardt, has worked on some of Hollywood's biggest films to include Shrek 2 and Open Season. He brings that same kind of amazing imagery, professional standard and magical appeal to Bedtime Bunny Tales.

From the very start you'll feel at home when you visit the far off world of Lanyond and stop in at Grandpa's cozy nook. it's a warm little house, tucked inside a tree and it's so inviting you'll want to pull up a chair and stay awhile but the adventure is just beginning. You'll meander through the forest, stumble upon great riches and even meet a scary vulture.

When you tap a character you'll hear the sweet little voice of Banjo, Boomer or Twinkles, authentic sounds from some really cute kids...voices we're sure your child will relate to as well as want to emulate.

Welcome to the world of Bedtime Bunny Tales!

Fixed sound problem on some iPads
  • 現在ランキング圏外です。
更新日時:2024年9月2日 00時48分




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