
価格 無料
開発者Robert Bosch GmbH
リリース日2011-05-17 08:37:11
評価 評価が取得できませんでした。
互換性iOS 以降が必要です。
iPhone、iPad および iPod touch 対応。
  • 2024-09-28 このアプリは現在ストアから情報が取得できません。削除された可能性があります。
Bosch125 – the BoschGlobe app

125 years of Bosch means 125 years of innovation. In its anniversary year, the company is inviting users to log on at, where everything revolves around the “BoschGlobe,” which encourages visitors to explore and take part. In this multimedia Bosch world, visitors can embark on a journey through time, where they will experience not only the company’s history but also the new technologies of the present day. And if they visit the “future” section of the globe, they can leave their own mark on the map in the form of ideas and wishes.

With Bosch125, the BoschGlobe app, you can access the BoschGlobe while on the move: Join us as we celebrate 125 years of innovation, on a tour through space and time.

• Discover a global, 360-degree panorama of the company: “Global impressions of Bosch”
• Make your own contribution to the photography forum “My Global Impression of Bosch,” and post your picture of Bosch.
• Congratulate the company on its anniversary, and light a spark live on the BoschGlobe.
• And make a wish for the future: use your post to shape the globe’s future.

My Global Impression of Bosch – the Bosch anniversary photography forum

20 May 2010. Eleven o’clock on the dot in central Europe – that means five in the afternoon in China, twelve noon in Turkey, six in the evening in Japan, five in the morning in Detroit, seven at night in Melbourne, six in the morning in Campinas. At 125 places across the globe, 125 photographers press the shutter release at exactly the same time, creating a unique company portrait: Global Impressions of Bosch.

A portrait of Bosch in a single second.

A 360-degree panorama showing the amazing diversity of Bosch.

And now you have the chance to continue this panorama live: What is it that you yourself associate with Bosch? What are your “global impressions of Bosch”? Post your experiences and impressions in text and image format, and help us to expand this company portrait.

Tell us about your favorite piece of furniture, assembled with the help of a Bosch cordless screwdriver. About your son’s first vacation job in a Bosch plant. Or abut how you are looking forward to your dream kitchen, with its built-in Bosch dishwasher. It could also be your daily trip home, which is much safer thanks to ESP. Or the Bosch Car Service, which has got your car moving again following a breakdown.

Your post will appear live on the BoschGlobe, and at the same time be included in the app’s “My Global Impression” gallery.

So now, get your cell phone ready! We’re excited to see your “global impression of Bosch”!

* This app is optimized for devices of generation 3GS and later

- improved upload speed for larger pictures
- improved ui handling
  • 現在ランキング圏外です。
更新日時:2024年9月28日 22時15分




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