Slide SF

価格 無料
開発者Outspring, Inc.
リリース日2011-05-17 13:10:24
評価 評価が取得できませんでした。
互換性iOS 以降が必要です。
iPhone、iPad および iPod touch 対応。
  • 2024-09-27 このアプリは現在ストアから情報が取得できません。削除された可能性があります。
App developed by Outspring Inc. for Slide SF.

The iPhone app for Slide SF offers many unique features:

• Map & Driving directions

The app will give you turn by turn instructions for reaching the venue.

• Current Event Calendar

Allows you to see what events are on the calendar and remains in sync with venues official calendar.

• Photo Gallery

See recent photos of venue and events.

• Pricing and Info

Contains information on event pricing, venue hours, etc.

• Dial Directly

Call the venue with one click.

• Works with iPod Touch, iPhone & iPad

Back in the Prohibition Era of San Francisco, 430 Mason Street was a space called The Cable Car Theater. Below The Cable Car Theater was a restaurant called Cafe Dans. In actuality, Cafe Dans was not a restaurant, but a speakeasy that could be accessed only by a savvy few that would push a secret wall that would lead you to a playground slide. This slide would take you below street level where one could indulge in illicit gambling and the drinking of bootleg whiskey and spirits. In an era of secret codes and handshakes, the speakeasy was a hidden subculture of nightlife.

Beyond the restored turn-of-the-century doors, the Slide lobby reveals a custom made, serpentine slide designed by Doug Gorley of Playground designs, but don't fret, stairs are an option for the less adventuresome. Once inside, old world San Francisco elegance has been reborn thanks to the collaboration of Pamela Pennington Studios (Palo Alto) and Terra Nova Industries (Boulevard, Postrio, Farallon, Niebaum Coppola). Slide is modern and sophisticated but is also reminiscent of the age of gangsters, flappers, and bootleg revelry of years past.

Outfitted in over 8,000 square feet of mahogany, Slide features a honey-onyx backlit bar, custom brown and blue hardwood floors, pillowed porcelain bathroom walls and copper accents. Booth seating in chocolate brown and baby blue are available for Bottle Service.

  • 現在ランキング圏外です。
更新日時:2024年9月27日 12時49分




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