Beirut Electricity

価格 無料
開発者Moustafa Baalbaki
リリース日2011-04-29 10:48:52
評価 評価が取得できませんでした。
互換性iOS 8.0以降が必要です。
iPhone、iPad および iPod touch 対応。
  • 2024-09-28 このアプリは現在ストアから情報が取得できません。削除された可能性があります。
*** As seen in WWDC 2016, Apple – New Beginnings video ***

Featured by BBC World News, BBC Arabic, Reuters, NEW TV Prime News, Future TV, LBCI Helwi Beirut, MTV Prime News,,,, &

Are you sick to death of calculating electricity cutting hours in Beirut, Lebanon? Worry no more, this app is here to help. It should do you a power of good!

Beirut Electricity app is addressed for the users in Lebanon, specifically those living in its capital, Beirut. Unfortunately, in the city that never sleeps the electricity does sleep for 3 hours every day. So as I spent days and nights vainly wishing for our government to fix this problem I figured out a way to calculate the power outage hours and decided to make this app just so I won’t have to go back to my 9th floor apartment when the elevator is not working – I’m sure those of you living in Lebanon will get my point.

This app tracks the rolling three-hour outages and predicts when the power is on days, weeks, months and even years in advance so never mind the complicated calculations, you will not need them anyway.

When launching Beirut Electricity for the first time, you will notice it needs some configuration. All you have to do is specify both the date and time and based on your input it will help you know when the electricity is off. It will also notify you 10 minutes before the power goes off.

Here are 3 simple steps to guide you:

1- Double tap in order to jump to today's cut off time.
2- Swipe from down to up to add a day.
3- Swipe from up to down to deduct a day.
4- In case you suffer from visual difficulties, you can tap on the screen long enough to hear a voice assistance informing you of the date cutoff range. In order to select this feature go to Settings and choose the language (English or Arabic).

Notifications: Beirut Electricity will send you daily notifications 10 minutes before the electricity cuts off. Should you need to turn the notifications off, click on settings and switch notifications off.

Copyright © Moustafa Baalbaki 2018

- Add a donate button to provide disaster relief after the explosion in Beirut
- Remove the interstitial ads for a smooth UX
- Fix for a widget layout issue 
- Add widget expandable view
- Support for iOS 13.6
  • 現在ランキング圏外です。
更新日時:2024年9月28日 22時11分




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