Food Analyst

価格 360円
開発者Dejan Novak
リリース日2011-04-23 11:33:15
評価 評価が取得できませんでした。
互換性iOS 4.0以降が必要です。
iPhone、iPad および iPod touch 対応。
  • 2024-06-30 このアプリは現在ストアから情報が取得できません。削除された可能性があります。
Food search and meal calculator coming in next version

Nutritional content tables are an essential tool to aid in the selection of a daily diet. Using such tables, you can control what you put into your body every day by seeing how it contributes to your health and weight and thus whether it is calorically "excessive". You will be able to see whether you are eating healthy. Furthermore, by becoming knowledgeable about food, you will be able to combine a variety of foods with high nutritive value but low caloric content to obtain maximum health benefits. Every food is labeled in Croatian and American English, as well as Latin for plants, fish, and some animals.
For those who base their diets on only a few "favorites" such as pizza, hamburgers, and hot dogs, this introduces the opportunity to learn and taste new foods that are both healthy and delicious. In fact, psychologists have found that out of around 1000 available foodstuffs, the average person uses only about ten. Naturally, this denies such a person a whole range of valuable nutrients. There are many people who do not eat fruits and vegetables, and here one can see what they are missing out on. Only a cursory glance at the chapter "Nuts and Seeds" reveals a treasure trove of nutrients that are unfortunately rarely used.
For ease of finding specific foods, the information is divided into 12 chapters:

vegetables and vegetable products,
milk, dairy products and eggs,
fruits and fruit products,
fish, crabs and shellfish,
meat and meat products,
confectionery and sweets,
fats, oils, margarine and mayonnaise,
mushrooms, spices and herbs,
nuts and seeds,
grain and cereal products,
alcoholic drinks and beverages,
other foods.

Due to the large amount of information included, the first version of the application may contain unintentional errors, so please alert us to any mistakes. We will gladly consider all well-intentioned suggestions.

  • 現在ランキング圏外です。
更新日時:2024年6月30日 12時50分




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