
価格 100円
開発者Royal Tern Software, Inc.
リリース日2011-02-06 03:30:24
評価 評価が取得できませんでした。
互換性iOS 3.2以降が必要です。
iPhone、iPad および iPod touch 対応。
  • 2024-09-28 このアプリは現在ストアから情報が取得できません。削除された可能性があります。
Whether you are taking a ferry to work, riding on a train, waiting for a loved one at the airport, enjoying a warm breezy day at the park with the kids, taking a break from home work, waiting at a doctor’s office, waiting for your turn at the barber shop or simply relaxing by the pool, you can play Guesseroo wherever and whenever and make an incredible discovery of your own. That you have a hidden sixth sense and you can practice using it by playing Guesseroo. Just like you exercise daily to build your muscles or tone your body, you can play Guesseroo daily to practice and improve your intuition.

Every person has a hidden capability, something known as sixth sense. This is a mystery which began long time ago right from the beginnings of earth. The cave men and women used their sixth sense for survival among the wilds. Most animals also have this sense which helps them sense and move away from dangers and predators.

After the devastating tsunami of 2004, relief and rescue personnel discovered something astonishing in the remote islands of Andaman and Nicobar. The primitive tribes living on the islands were relatively unaffected though most of them lived close by the ocean. These tribes moved to higher ground way before the tsunami came. So did most animals. In the aftermath of the tsunami animal bodies were not found on these islands because the animals had moved to higher grounds days before the tsunami stuck. Interestingly the more primitive tribes had also moved out to higher grounds days before the catastrophe stuck. How did the tribes know? The simple answer is they have a high degree of sixth sense or intuition and they used it to make a good decision which helped them survive.

Good intuition helps you make good decisions. Let your inner voice and wisdom guide you when you need to perform tasks efficiently and rapidly. Improve your understanding of non verbal communication cues and build strong and healthy relationships with family and friends by regularly using your intuition capability. But first you need to regularly practice calling upon this capability. Guesseroo is designed to help you do that.

So what is Guesseroo? Imagine that you are playing against an imaginary player who has picked and hidden one image from out of three images. Your job is to relax and exercise your mind and pick the image you think will correctly match what the imaginary player has picked. A correct match gives you one point. A scorecard displays the points you have got from correct picks and helps you measure your progress. What is more, you can play the game endlessly and understand the way you feel about possible outcome and practice your intuition skills.

It is well documented that many animals have a heightened sixth sense. The legend of Paul the Octopus is awe inspiring because he correctly predicted the outcome of Germany’s seven matches during the 2010 FIFA Soccer World Cup. You may not believe it but you have it in you to do it too. Guesseroo is dedicated to his legend and memory.

* Modified space between information buttons on main screen.
* Modified images depicting pet dogs.
* Modified summary screen whereby player can start the game again after every round of play.
  • 現在ランキング圏外です。
更新日時:2024年9月28日 09時19分




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