24式太極拳 TaiChi24

価格 無料
リリース日2011-01-14 11:57:49
星3 (3人)
星3 (3人)
互換性iOS 3.2以降が必要です。
iPad 対応。
太极拳,国家级非物质文化遗产, 是以中国传统道家哲学中的太极、阴阳辩证理念为核心思想,集颐养性情、强身健体、技击对抗等多种功能为一体,结合易学的阴阳五行之变化,中医经络学,古代的导引术和吐纳术形成的一种内外兼修、柔和、缓慢、轻灵、刚柔相济的汉族传统拳术。


太極拳は 日中両国の民間では、よく知られています。とくに、中国では、もう、何百年の歴史があります。太極拳の種類も、いろいろがありますが、強身健体の作用と 心臓と肺病気を治療効果があります。あなたは、健康したいですか?姿勢が 綺麗になりたいですか?ダイエットしたいですか?延年益寿したいですか? このアプリを使用してくださいね、意外の収穫をもらえますよ!

This is a 3D Kung Fu - TaiChi application . All the action data of this app is based on exactly Chinese Tai Chi Master. ※ Camera/View Change ※ Easy to follow ※ Standard Actions 24-Step Taichi Chuan, the most popular Kong Fu (or Kung Fu) Style around the world. Original from China, Tai Chi (Taiji) Chuan (太极拳) is also called philosophical Chuan, meaning that its principles and techniques contain the idea of Tai Chi which is a systematic thought of balance. This form was the result of an effort by the Chinese Sports Committee which, in 1956, brought together four Taichi masters to create a simplified form of Taichi as exercise for the masses. The creators truncated the traditional Sun family hand form to 24 postures; taking between four and eight minutes to perform and to give the beginner an introduction to the essential elements of tai chi chuan . In this Application, you can explore into detailed descriptions and 3D animations on each step. This can be your personnal coach to learn and practice Taichi Chuan, to build your body and free your mind. Relax yourself from daily stressful working. Enjoy yourself !

輕松學到正宗太極拳, 全球首創, 3D Tai Chi 軟件。我们聯手眾多專業運動技術研發人員,權威太極名家,數位全中國太極拳冠軍,名家共同傾力打造出一款3D太極拳教育軟件。該軟件不同于以往的VCD/DVD視頻教-

The Perfect Exercise

Time magazine hails Tai Chi as the “perfect exercise” for those who care about their body but doesn’t want to risk life or limb or creaky joints. Tai Chi combines intense mental focus with deliberate, graceful movements that improve strength, agility, and balance. As a result, Tai Chi is perfect for the young and elderly.
However, students of Tai Chi either have to spend loads of money for classes at inconvenient times or purchase books or videos that are hard for students to follow and learn Tai Chi properly. But now, there’s a new way of learning Tai Chi that is in-depth, convenient, and easy to follow.

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