MyWallet Pro - Password & credit card manager

価格 240円
開発者Pavel Kanzelsberger
リリース日2011-01-06 09:45:31
評価 評価が取得できませんでした。
互換性iOS 4.3以降が必要です。
iPhone、iPad および iPod touch 対応。
  • 2024-09-04 このアプリは現在ストアから情報が取得できません。削除された可能性があります。
Have you ever forgotten a password? Or were you in a need of your credit card details while on the go without your wallet? Do you think it's not safe to carry all your private information in your real wallet? Are you using same password for all websites and social networks because it's impossible to remember them all?

This is where MyWallet as a secure passwords manager comes handy.

* You can store plenty of information in pre-defined templates or simply create your own template if they doesn't fit your needs. Secure your Credit Cards, Bank Accounts, ID Cards (Passport, Drivers License), Web Logins (Internet Banking, Facebook, Twitter, etc.), Software Licenses (Serial Numbers) or any other private information.

* With iCloud support your wallets are synchronized between iOS devices and Mac computers

* With Dropbox support you can easily save and restore backups of your wallet or Sync data across iOS devices or Mac computers. Dropbox can be also used to transfer data from Lite version.

* Attach multiple photos to your wallet items (for example photos of your credit cards, club cards, prepaid cards, etc.). All photos and even thumbnails are stored safe and encrypted

* Manage your sensitive information in folders, mark your favorite items using color labels

* Built-in secure web browser for fast web form filling with your private information

* Instant search for quick access to all your wallet items

* Store secure Contacts with ability to Call them directly from MyWallet (as well as FaceTime, SMS/MMS, E-Mail and Skype)

* All your private information is locked and encrypted using U.S. Government standard encryption (AES256). Encryption is provided by proved and hardware optimized iOS Cryptographic Services made by Apple (not any 3rd party cryptography is involved) for best speed and security.

* MyWallet Pro is an universal application that will run on iPhone, iPod Touch as well as on iPad. MacOSX version is also available in the Mac AppStore.

* Personalize the look with beautiful backgrounds, and even create your own backgrounds

* Support for iOS 4+ multitasking so you don't need to enter your password everytime you switch to another application (includes configurable auto-lock feature)

* Desktop version for Mac OS X is now available in the Mac AppStore. You can sync your data between Mac and iOS using either iCloud synchronization or using Dropbox backup feature

* Now you have to remember only one password (Beware: Your wallet password is not stored anywhere, nor does the app con tain any way to recover your password when your forget it).

* Updated for iPhone 6+

MyWallet 2 is in development and coming until end of the year, stay tuned.
  • 現在ランキング圏外です。
更新日時:2024年9月4日 21時26分




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