
価格 400円
開発者James Hollender
リリース日2010-12-17 08:32:51
評価 評価が取得できませんでした。
互換性iOS 12.0以降が必要です。
iPhone、iPad および iPod touch 対応。
iFiber is one of 10 iNutrient apps based on the USDA National Nutrient Database. The others include:

- iCarbs (Carbohydrates)
- iCholesterol (Dietary Cholesterol)
- iKals (Calories)
- iPotassium (Potassium)
- iProteins (Proteins)
- iSatFat (Saturated Fat)
- iSodium (Sodium)
- iSugars (Sugars)
- Vitamin K (Vitamins K1, K1D & K2)

Users can record their intake for any food. The information is maintained for one year and is presented in reverse chronological order grouped by day, so the latest data is presented first in the list. Editing allows for: 1) changing the number of servings; 2) changing the date; and 3) deleting records. Individual Intake Items can be copied to the current day, and all Intake Items for a single day can be copied to the current day.

For those who are working towards healthy eating, knowing the amount of fiber in the foods available for consumption can be extremely helpful.

The iFiber app provides information about foods and how they are rated for content of fiber. This is provided as a means to assist in deciding which foods to eat. The food servings are rated from EXTREMELY LOW in fiber all the way up to EXTREMELY HIGH. The following colors help readily identify which is which:

- Black = Rated EXTREMELY HIGH in Fiber (10.1 - 31.2 g)
- Dark Red = Rated VERY HIGH in Fiber (8.1 - 10.0 g)
- Red = Rated HIGH in Fiber (6.1 - 8.0 g)
- Orange = Rated MODERATELY HIGH in Fiber (4.1 - 6.0 g)
- Yellow = Rated MODERATE in Fiber (3.1 - 4.0 g)
- Light Green = Rated MODERATELY LOW in Fiber (2.1 - 3.0 g)
- Green = Rated LOW in Fiber (1.1 - 2.0 g)
- Cyan = Rated VERY LOW in Fiber (0.1 - 1.0 g)
- White = Rated EXTREMELY LOW in Fiber (0.00 g)

Essentially, the cooler the color, the lower the amount of Fiber, with white being the coolest color and black being the hottest (think burnt).

There are eight tables listing food servings:

- All Foods
- Fast Foods
- Fruits & Vegetables
- Meat, Fish & Shellfish
- Dairy & Egg
- Cereal Grains & Pasta
- Sweets
- Snacks

The All Foods list allows you to search by any word or partial word from all the Food Titles.

Selecting a food in any of the tables will display pertinent information about the selected food serving:

- Food Title
- Weight (in grams)
- Common Measure (serving size for weight)
- Fiber Content (in grams)
- Calories
- Percentage of Fiber by Weight (if at least 1%)
- USDA Description
- USDA Food Group
- USDA Nutrient Database Number

Information is derived from the USDA National Nutrient Database for Standard Reference: Fiber, total dietary Content of Selected Foods per Common Measure. There are currently over 1,100 different foods included, searchable using more than 2,500 names (some foods are known by different names or how they are prepared, e.g., "Egg, Scrambled" and "Scrambled Egg"). A few these have as many as six searchable names.

The iFiber Info screen provides access to additional information pages:

- What is Fiber?
- Why Should I Eat Fiber?
- Highest Fiber Foods
- How to Use this App
- Access My Records
- iNutrients Custom Food Definitions (another app with more features and data for 10 nutrients)
- Other Important Info. (includes allowance to 1) Report a Problem; 2) Ask a Questions; and 3) Make a Suggestion)

A powerful new Search Facility has been added to the All Foods view. You can now search providing two search words/phrases. The first is required, but the second is optional. If a second word/phrase is provided, then you have the option of three possible ways to use the two words/phrases: 1) AND; 2) OR; and 3) BUT NOT. Search words/phrases are case insensitive. White space at the beginning and end of Search words/phrases will be removed. The "AND / OR / BUT NOT" operand selection is not taken into account unless there is a second Search word/phrase. As you are entering the Search criteria, the number of items found is displayed.
  • 現在ランキング圏外です。
更新日時:2025年3月13日 19時59分




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