iQueue Free - Netflix Queue Manager

価格 無料
開発者Elaydin Tech
リリース日2010-10-30 15:52:09
評価 評価が取得できませんでした。
互換性iOS 以降が必要です。
iPhone、iPad および iPod touch 対応。
  • 2024-09-28 このアプリは現在ストアから情報が取得できません。削除された可能性があります。
"iQueue Free has all the basics you’d want from an app to manage Netflix, and it’s the best free solution we’ve come across so far. We like it enough overall to make it one of our Best of iPhone Apps."

iQueue provides easy and quick management of both your disc and instant queues.
Features include:
- Moving, Adding and Deleting Movies from DVD queue
- Adding and Deleting Movies from Instant queue
- Browsing and adding movies from Netflix recommendations
- Browsing and adding movies from various top movie lists
- Search feature provides movie matches as you type

iQueue uses the official Netflix APIs and OAuth standard for authentication. On first use, you will be asked to securely log in at a Netflix site. Once authenticated by Netflix, you will not have to log on again.

The app is split into 4 "tabs".
DVD Queue:
Shows your disc queue, with seperate sections for the discs you have in the queue and saved until they're available at Netflix. Selecting a disc will show a window with more information. The "Reorder" button will allow you to delete or move any disc in your queue. Drag a movie by the three grey bars on the right side to move it to the desired location.

Instant Queue:
Shows the content of your "Watch Instantly" queue. Again, selecting a movie will reveal more information.

Allows you to browse the Netflix library, including a list of recommended movies, the Netflix Top 100, new releases, Top 25s in a variety of movie genres and instant movies by genre. Selecting a movie will reveal more information, as well as the available formats for the movie. The "Add" button will add the movie to a queue (either disc, instant or both, depending on the movie).

Allows you to search for any movie title. Results will be displayed as you type. Again, selecting a title will display more information and the option to add to a queue.


1. I get and error when trying to first login (“Can’t access so and so queue. Netflix server error”).
Netflix server errors are usually temporary. Most everyone I’ve talked to has been able to delete the app, re-download it (won’t get charged again if it’s the 99 cent version) and start again. If that doesn’t work, try rebooting the phone.

2.I get an error when I first login, but my queues do show up (“redirect error”).
This is a known issue and should be fixed by Netflix soon. It shouldn’t affect anything.

3. How do I move movies? Click the “edit” button on the upper right. Drag movies around by the 3 gray bars on the right of the movie.

4.How do I delete movies?
There are a couple of ways. You can swipe on a movie (side to side), then press the delete button that shows up. Or, you can press the edit button press the red dot on the left of the movie.

5. I added a movie, but I don’t see it in my queue!
This is a relatively new issue. Wait about 30 seconds and it’ll show up. Closing and opening the app will force the queue to reload.

6. I moved a movie, but it moved back!
See #5.

7. How do I add a Blu-Ray disc?
BluRay will be automatically chosen if that’s your preferred format, and BluRay is available. In the future, I’ll add the little BD icon next to the movie.

- Fixes for recent Netflix changes
- iPhone 5 support
- removed At Home section due to removal of Netflix support
  • 現在ランキング圏外です。
更新日時:2024年9月28日 22時15分




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