Clever Rabbit - Children’s Narrated Story Book

価格 240円
開発者Mad Moment Media
リリース日2010-09-30 02:46:39
評価 評価が取得できませんでした。
互換性iOS 3.2以降が必要です。
iPhone、iPad および iPod touch 対応。
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For less than the price of a drink you can keep the children occupied whilst you are travelling, waiting in line or for those moments when they are bored. Simply download this fun picture story book and hand them your phone and allow them to enter the world of Burdock the rabbit and his family.

One day when Burdock is playing hide and seek he gets lost. Thankfully Burdock has taken Rabbit with him.Now Rabbit is a very clever toy Rabbit and he leaves a trail so Burdock can follow it safely back home.

There are three ways you can enjoy this book:
“Read to me” - listen to the author narrate this fun FREE mini story
“Read it myself” - encourages children to experience the fun of reading for themselves
“Auto read” - not only allows you to listen to the story but also turns the pages for you

Please note:
The “read to me” function is set by default to “auto-read.” This can be changed in the info screen.

Benefits include:
- Enhanced for reading on iPad, iPhone and iPod Touch
- Auto-read allows even the youngest child to enjoy this book on their own and encourages older children to discover the joy of reading along with the words
- Invisible book mark feature allows you to continue reading from where you left off or choose to start the story again and is activated each time you open up the story.
- Swipe each page to turn them just like a real book
- Help teach reading to kids in a fun way
- Improve reading skills by following the words as it is narrated
- Longer than the length of the average traditionally published picture book at 21 pages!
- Written by a worldwide published children’s author
- Narration by the author

This book has been exclusively written for Mad Moment Media Ltd as part of their narrative picture book series by children’s author Lynne Garner. Lynne has sold thousands of traditionally published books worldwide including Australia, Canada, Germany, Indonesia, Korea, Netherlands, UK and the USA.

What our customers are saying about our apps:

Captain and Nugget:
“My Children love this story and want to know when more will be available?"

The Enormous Carrot (free mini story):
"My nephew loves this book! The read to me feature is brilliant, it's helping him to read! I'm off to purchase the longer stories.

Within weeks of being released both 'Captain and Nugget' and 'The Enormous Carrot' appeared in the 'What's Hot' section in the iTunes store and 'The Enormous Carrot' reached number 26 in the top free book apps!

Visit for more information about our titles.

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