iDFC - Depth Of Field Calculator

価格 100円
リリース日2010-09-22 06:13:34
評価 評価が取得できませんでした。
互換性iOS 以降が必要です。
iPhone、iPad および iPod touch 対応。
  • 2024-06-02 このアプリは現在ストアから情報が取得できません。削除された可能性があります。
Ever taken a picture and wished that either more of it had been in focus or the exact reverse and that less had been in focus? Of course you have I certainly have. But what settings on your camera give which results and what if you change one of those settings what is the Depth of Field then. You can calculate it all yourself but it is not easy. This App takes all of those problems and makes it easy to find the answers. Just type in the distance to the subject, the focal length being used and the f-stop and the App calculates the near and far distances of acceptable focus and therefore the depth of field. This is all shown on an easy to understand diagram.

An example is: You are trying to take a photo of a bee on a flower and all but the bee is to be out of focus. Set the distance of the subject to be 200 mm (20 cm, approx 8 inches), set the f-stop to be f/5.6 and set the focal length at 50 mm. The App calculates that the depth of field is 3.41 mm (0.3 cm, a small fraction of an inch). The bee will be partially in focus but bees are more than 3.4 mm across so that depth of field is probably not what you were looking for. Set the camera to f/22 and now the depth of field is 13.39 mm (1.39 cm or just over half an inch) now this is much closer to what you wanted. Now maybe the whole of bee is in focus but still all of its surroundings are out of focus.

-- Need to quickly know what will and what will not be in focus for the settings on your camera.
-- Just specify the distance to the subject, the f/stop being used and the focal length of the lens and this App will calculate the two distances you need to know.
-- Between the near and far distances all subjects will be in the acceptable focus range. Outside of these distances the subjects will be out of focus.
-- Without this simple, but effective tool, you can never be sure what will and will not be in focus.

What this app can calculate ?
-- Near limit of acceptable sharpness distance
-- Far limit of acceptable sharpness distance
-- Total depth of field
-- Focus at the hyperfocal distance
-- Depth of field extends from what distance to infinity
-- In front of subject and percent
-- Behind subject and percent
-- Circle of confusion

This app include most popular camera lines:

-- Digital SLRs : 113 types
-- Film : 9 types
-- Cinematography : 16 types
-- Circle Of Confusion : 68 types
-- All Digital Cameras : 1093 cameras (not only SLRs)

All brands of camera in this app:
-- Leica
-- Canon
-- Nikon
-- Sony
-- Contax
-- Epson
-- Fujifilm
-- Konica
-- Minolta
-- Olympus
-- Panasonic
-- Pentax
-- Samsung
-- Sigma
-- Casio
-- GE
-- Hewlett Packard
-- Kodak
-- Kyocera FineCam
-- Ricoh
-- Sanyo
-- Vivitar
-- Viewpoint Photography

  • 現在ランキング圏外です。
更新日時:2024年6月2日 17時56分




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