iWavit DirecTV

価格 無料
開発者ThinkOptics, Inc.
リリース日2010-08-28 09:06:37
評価 評価が取得できませんでした。
互換性iOS 5.0以降が必要です。
iPhone、iPad および iPod touch 対応。
  • 2024-09-23 このアプリは現在ストアから情報が取得できません。削除された可能性があります。
Please note that this app requires iWavit hardware. It will NOT work without it!! See www.thinkoptics.com for details.

This app together with the iWavit hardware acts like a DirecTV RC65 IR remote control for controlling DirecTV Satellite TV set-top boxes.

The layout of the buttons is similar to the remote that ships with some DirecTV set-top boxes. The buttons are distributed across 4 screens that you can swipe to left-right.

There are a few notable benefit of iWavit Virtual Remotes over a traditional remotes:

1. Buttons are large and easy to hit,
2. Buttons are easily seen in the dark, so no need to turn on the lights in the room just to adjust the volume, and
3. You can have any number of virtual remotes without adding to the clutter in your living room.

While all buttons on this remote come preprogrammed with the DirecTV IR codes, you can actually reprogram them using the IR learning feature of the iWavit Attachment.

The "iWavit for DirecTV" app is part of a family of iWavit Virtual Remotes for some Major-Brand electronic devices, and PCs and Macs. For those who wish to create their own custom Remote Controls, we have created the Ultimate Remote Control app called Tabula Rasa. With the Tabula Rasa app you can create your own remotes, download remotes, upload remotes to share them with others, search our IR database or learn IR codes directly from your old IR remotes. You can even create macros for embedding multiple functions inside a single button. You can also use the app to control PCs/Macs using USB Keyboard strokes or through the patented DirectPointing air-mouse technology built into the iWavit. 

The HOME button on the front screen will take you to the iWavit app called iWavit Flow. This app provides for convenient cover-flow selection of all the iWavit apps installed on your iPhone, as well as ALL those available on the App Store.  

DIRECTV is a trademark of DirecTV Inc. This app, iWavit and ThinkOptics are not affiliated with DirecTV.

+ Fixed bug where after learning an IR code with the iWavit Attachment, the TEST button did not work
  • 現在ランキング圏外です。
更新日時:2024年9月23日 18時46分




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