Tennis Coach

価格 240円
開発者TKRM, LLc
リリース日2010-04-13 12:35:59
評価 評価が取得できませんでした。
互換性iOS 7.0以降が必要です。
iPhone、iPad および iPod touch 対応。
  • 2024-09-28 このアプリは現在ストアから情報が取得できません。削除された可能性があります。
Everyone can use reminder tips while on the court. In the heat of tennis battle, everything you knew about your game and opponent somehow escapes your memory. With Tennis Coach, it’ll never happen again. This app instantly reminds you what you need to remember. Best of all, the application qualifies as legal assistance to the U.S.T.A. Click “...More” to learn why you should download this App today!

*** Nominated for the WWDC10 Apple Design Awards 2010 ***

Tennis Coach
“It's really cool. It works! Love it.”
- C6-Z06

After a rough start, you’re doing okay on the court but you know you can do better. You’ve played this opponent before, you should have known that last ball would hit the far corner but in the heat of the moment, you forgot. Luckily, you brought your Tennis Coach with you, in your iDevice.

At the changeover, you towel the sweat off your face and consult the app. Groaning, you realize that you’ve been forgetting to correct your serve. You’ve been playing on automatic! Thankfully, your Tennis Coach has reminded you of what you need to watch for. It even has a little note about how your opponent shies away from the net. With the important information back in your mind, you return to do your best to win.

Much like water refreshes the body, Tennis Coach refreshes your mind and brings your focus back to where you need it to be. This app is not drills or lessons. It is the first ever coaching application for helping you win a match. Tennis Coach keeps you on track and playing at your peak performance.

Using Tennis Coach isn’t complicated. Prior to a match, just select your N.T.R.P. rating and indicate whether you are playing singles or doubles. That’s all you have to do to get invaluable tips for playing an excellent game of tennis. If you have any notes that you want to enter, now is good time to do that, as well. This is the perfect place to insert a reminder about hitting to Ted’s backhand or moving in on Dave’s second serve. Tennis Coach will make sure that you don’t miss anything that you want to remember.

To use the application during a match, select whether you are serving or receiving at each changeover. Instantly, your devoted Tennis Coach pulls up all the reminders and tips you need to win.

You don’t have to worry about Tennis Coach helping you during a game, as it is designated as legal assistance. This is the only coach allowed to help you after a game starts! There are no internet links or outside communication, so the app meets the strict requirements of the U.S.T.A and Federation Tennis. All you have to do is adjust your device settings to “Airplane Mode” for the duration of the game. When you exit the app, your iPhone or iPod Touch will revert to its normal mode.

* In legal compliance with U.S.T.A. and Federation Tennis rules
* Offers practical tips for play improvement based on your individual skill level
* Issues any entered reminders about opponent’s techniques, strengths or weaknesses
* Helps to keep you focused and on track during a tennis match
* Is the first app of its kind
* Is the only coaching allowed after a game starts

If you play tennis, you need this app! It is the only one of its kind on the market and it offers you help that can make a real difference in your game.

Download your own Tennis Coach now and give yourself an edge on the court.

Upgraded some features for iOS 9
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更新日時:2024年9月28日 22時08分




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