Valentine's Daymation (♥ Edition Daymation Lite)

価格 無料
リリース日2010-01-28 06:50:44
評価 評価が取得できませんでした。
互換性iOS 以降が必要です。
iPhone、iPad および iPod touch 対応。
  • 2024-09-27 このアプリは現在ストアから情報が取得できません。削除された可能性があります。
The typical page-a-day calendar sits on your desktop, and that's part of the problem — it just sits. It marks the passage of time with as much panache as a lump of... well, a lump of paper. Environmental impact aside, the traditional calendar is a lifeless relic of a bygone era.

Count the days till Valentine's Day!

Less than a third the price of an ordinary desk calendar, Daymation "Sticky Calendar" is anything but ordinary. While paper calendars go kaput after a year, Daymation is just getting started — not only will it serve up colorful daily animations and stories over the next 365 days, but it will go on doing so for the next 365 years — and beyond. Good until Armageddon, Daymation is truly the last calendar you'll ever need to buy.

The minute you launch Daymation the fun begins. Our resident pint-sized prof calculates the remaining days until the next major holiday and jots the results on an old-school chalkboard.

Once the cover folds back, Daymation presents a pencil sketch that comes to life in a brilliantly-colored 3D cartoon. From an iPod- wearing sheep busting a move, to a Harley-riding amphibian ("frog on a hog"), there's a professional animation to accompany each and every day of the year.

Flip the current date over to reveal entertaining and educational trivia, amusing anecdote or story. The range of topics covered is vast. There are historical events, medical marvels, holiday origins, bigwig birthdays, cultural curiosities, brain bogglers, obscure inventions, road trip oddities, amazing animals, celebrity capers, murder mysteries, bizarre battles, and a whole host of strange-but-true stories.

Daymation keeps the holidays coming year round with an impressive assortment of celebrations from far and wide. Discover why Australians commemorate the arrival of shiploads of convicts to their island nation. Learn the nitty-gritty behind the battle for the Bastille that marks France's national day.

Major sporting events from around the globe are also featured in the calendar. Basketball, soccer, golf, American football, baseball, hockey, cricket, mixed martial arts, tennis, swimming, and surfing are all represented. You'll discover how the Super Bowl got its name from a child's toy, why cricket's greatest living player treasures thirteen low-value coins, and where surfers take on 60-foot waves.

But wait, there's lots more. So "stick" around... literally.

With the addition of stickies, Daymation serves as a convenient and fun datebook, to-do list, idea bank, and event calendar all in one. Completely intuitive, stickies can easily be assigned to the current day or any day in the future. Want to move an appointment to tomorrow? Simply slide the sticky to the right. Want to save a note for later? Just drop it into the desk drawer. Got lots to do? Pile the stickies as high as you like and shuffle through them with a flick of the finger. Finished with a task? Tap and hold the note, then delete.

Select from four brightly-colored sticky pads to color code your notes. For that special occasion, use one of our special notes. The Valentine's edition includes a sweet selection of candy notes for your cutie!

On the subject of timeliness, the month-at-a-glance sticker on the current day may be peeled back to reveal a vintage flip clock. Complete with appealingly-animated leaves that tumble over to advance the minutes, the retro clock makes a great timepiece while charging the iPhone in its cradle.

Daymation is also meant to be shared. With just a couple taps you can send a greeting card or an electronic Valentine to that special someone.

Updated with new holidays, graphics, OS4.2 compatibility.
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更新日時:2024年9月27日 09時53分




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