Browse Later Lite

価格 無料
開発者Andrew Gates
リリース日2010-02-20 07:09:59
星2 (1人)
星2.5 (6人)
互換性iOS 2.0以降が必要です。
iPhone、iPad および iPod touch 対応。
  • 2024-06-29 このアプリは現在ストアから情報が取得できません。削除された可能性があります。
Browse Later Lite does exactly what the name implies - it allows you to browse your favorite websites later on, regardless of whether or not you have an internet connection. Download the web sites now, view them later. Browse Later Lite is ideal for iPod Touch users, iPhone users with little/no data connectivity, or iPhone users who just don't want to worry about EDGE/3G availability.

Upgrade to the full version of Browse Later for faster downloads, javascript support, and ability to download videos and turn off images!

How Browse Later Lite Works

Browse Later Lite uses your iPhone/iPod's internet connection to cache anything from single web pages to near-complete web sites. Set it to download a single page or an entire series of pages linked together. Catch the news. Read your favorite blog. Turn javascript on and download a javascript game (Note - compatibility varies widely for javascript games). Cache a movie embedded in a page and view it later. The options are endless.

Usage Examples

Wake up, have Browse Later Lite start downloading your pages, grab you iPod/iPhone on your way out the door. Check all your favorite sites just as if you were connected to the internet, wherever you are,even if you're disconnected and offline. Catch all the headlines, read all the articles they link to. See what's new on digg, CNN, your favorite blog. Whatever you choose!


- Not all sites will work perfectly with Browse Later Lite - some may display a little oddly, others may just return a blank page. For maximum compatibility it's recommended you maintain the default settings for a site - keep javascript turned off so it can't redirect you to a nonexistent page (for example), keep embedded objects turned off to limit how much is downloaded. To file a bug report or comment on a page's compatibility go to

- Memory usage while viewing downloaded pages - after heavy usage of viewing pages downloaded in Browse Later Lite, the application may crash due to running out of memory. This is linked to a memory issue out of my control relating to how web pages are viewed on the iPhone/iPod, and similar things happen while you use Safari. Until a known fix/workaround is available this will happen on occasion.

- I have no affiliation with any web site downloaded using Browse Later Lite or mentioned in this description. I make no claims to their content, and am completely separate of them. Any companies, company names, etc. mentioned in this description are trademarks of their respectable owners.

Fixed bug that resulted in crash in iOS4 while caching pages.
  • 現在ランキング圏外です。
更新日時:2024年6月29日 00時29分




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