Milan K, Volume 1 - Preview

価格 無料
開発者Ave!Comics Production
リリース日2009-09-19 16:00:00
評価 評価が取得できませんでした。
互換性iOS 2.2.1以降が必要です。
iPhone、iPad および iPod touch 対応。
  • 2024-06-26 このアプリは現在ストアから情報が取得できません。削除された可能性があります。
A digital comic by Ave!Comics.

Being the son of a Russian billionaire may be the worst thing ever. The proof comes in the form of the new adventure and action series, Milan K, from Les Humanoïdes Associés and produced by Ave!Comics Production. It tells the story of how Michka Khodorov’s life as the young heir to a Russian oligarch is turned upside down when his father is arrested on the orders of the Russian President.
It’s the end of his life in the most private and protected Swiss boarding school in the world. Michka will become a fragile fugitive, hunted by one of the world's most powerful nations.

Directly inspired by the life of the Russian oligarch Mikhaïl Khodorkovski, who’s still paying today for his opposition to Vladimir Putin, Milan K is a new series created by an American journalist writing under the name of Sam Timel, and the elegant design of promising artist Corentin – who’s barely 24 but already acclaimed by François Boucq. Released simultaneously in bookstores and digitally, Milan K is highly recommended. Don’t miss it!

A comfortable and dynamic reading experience with picture quality that will impress.
With Ave!Comics, reading on the go is '100% pleasure' at any time, anywhere.

Milan K #1 - PREVIEW
by Corentin and Sam Timel
(C) Les Humanoides Associés
7 pages of preview | Color

The COMPLETE graphic novel is also AVAILABLE ON THE APPSTORE with the following characteristics :

57 pages | 310+ panels | Color
French only

✧ Corentin, aged 24, has grown up in the world of comic books (he’s the son of Michel Rouge, designer amongst other things of the Blueberry series, whose latest album, Le Samaritain, was released in January by Les Humanoïdes Associés). Coached on Milan K by François Boucq (designer of the famous series Bouncer from Humanoïdes Associés), he is considered by his peers as the most promising of the young French realist designers.

✧ Sam Timel is the pseudonym of an American journalist who’s entered the world of comic books for the first time.

PLEASE NOTE : The text is in French only (for now).

The Ave!Comics reader uses a new format, named AVE, to describe a digital comic or graphic novel. This rich format allows the creation of digital paths through the original art, combining animations, transitions, automatic zooms to ensure the best reading experience on a variety of handheld devices. This version of the reader is specifically designed for iPhone and iPod Touch.
More information on Ave!Comics can be found on

Features include:
- animated digital version of the complete comic book
- A revolutionary reading experience using kinematics that create an animated path through the stories.
- Exploration mode to dive into each panel, zoom and pan.
- Easy and intuitive navigation between pages and panels.
- Full support for multi-touch, swipe, landscape mode.
- page mode to display the original layout of the comic book

- new startup panel lets you start reading in one clic. Panel disappears elegantly if the screen is touched
- make sure the end panel with the menu is shown even in manual reading mode.
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更新日時:2024年6月26日 19時49分




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