Layla And The Wolf

価格 85円
リリース日2010-02-03 15:05:21
評価 評価が取得できませんでした。
互換性iOS 以降が必要です。
iPhone、iPad および iPod touch 対応。
  • 2024-09-27 このアプリは現在ストアから情報が取得できません。削除された可能性があります。
Children enjoy stories that has sound effects and nice colored pictures. Many often we spend lots of money to get those nice stories with some sound effects when you turn the pages. Your child will prefer this kind of stories on other static stories.
Usually we keep interactive stories at home because they are mostly bulky and hard to transport (due to hidden wires and batteries).
When you install our apps on your iPhone or iPod touch you never have to leave a single story back at home again.
No matter where you are, in the middle of a traffic or waiting for a train or in a long queue or even out for picnic just run the App and enjoy nice times with your child, just see the impression on his face when hearing those nice sound effect, and don't be surprised.

This story is very famous and many children like to hear it again and again (my son keep asking me to tell it on and on), it's the Arabic version of Little Red Riding Hood called Layla and the Wolf in Arabic. It is a story of a little girl that lives in a small hut, one day was going to her grandmother that lives at the other side of the forest and was told by her mother not to speak to strangers, but poor little Layla forgot this fact and faced trouble.

This story emphasize the fact that never trust strangers as well as never expect to get a free advice from someone you do not trust. Following parents advice is another value emphasized in this App.

Features in short:
- All images are hand painted then scanned at high resolution
- Sound effects synchronized with every image.
- Starting page simulating a hardcover book cover.
- End page simulating a hardcover book back.
- Side swapping animated pages.
- Bullets at the bottom to show remaining and current page.

If you like this story please support the working team by rating this App and leave us comments at our page

Your support will encourage future interactive children stories with values.

Modified some audios, reduce total size of application for faster download due to using different audio format.
  • 現在ランキング圏外です。
更新日時:2024年9月27日 14時13分




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