GooeyFaces Photo Morpher

価格 170円
リリース日2008-10-15 16:00:00
星1 (1人)
星1 (1人)
互換性iOS 以降が必要です。
iPhone、iPad および iPod touch 対応。
  • 2024-06-27 このアプリは現在ストアから情報が取得できません。削除された可能性があります。
Open her mouth wider, that's it, keep going even wider...
Gently run your finger over the eyes, and drag them shut...
Now grab the ears by the top, and pull them, further,
Stretch them all the way over her head...
Wow... what's this all about?
Can you really do this?


Well not in real life of course

but now

GooeyFaces lets you

Stretch, pull, squeeze any face you want.

Got a buddy primed for some good fun payback?
Stick it to em, but don't just stick it
Gooey them good.

Like a color blind Picasso using your big finger as a brush
You will stretch, squeeze, enlarge and shrink their face
to finish the job right.

Sound fun already?

You haven't seen anything yet.
Or more specifically you haven't heard anything yet....

Right before you send your Gooey creation viral with a simple tap
of the screen instantly emailing it to all your friends there is
just one more thing to gooey with for maximum effect.
Because this is no silent movie.

So here's what you do next...

Like a twisted Mozart composing the next great symphony
you my Gooey Maestro will create yours

Not with violins, nor flutes, nor even with clarinets.

Oh no, this isn't the Gooey Philharmonic.

You are working with the purest instrument of all, a human voice.
Well, it starts out human and pure.

And then...

Because of you and your Gooeyness
Everyone will hear how:

- Sally now sounds like Big Bubba
- Jimbo sounds so cute, just like a little chipmunk.
- Jessica's oh so ever lovely laugh is repeated over and over and over
- And don't forget that slightly embarrassing sound clip from last night.
- It's all there and your possibilities are virtually endless.

GooeyFaces is how you can always get the last laugh.
There is nothing quite like Gooeying a friend or family member up.

So go ahead, it's your turn now. Get Gooeying.

Please Gooey responsibly. Gooey at your own risk as
excessive Gooeying has been known to cause sudden outbursts
of laughter, blushing, and sometimes although rarely
tears of pure joy.

★ one touch e-mail function - instantly e-mail friends and family with GooeyFaces
★ voice recorder - easily and effortlessly record your voice or those of your friends and family
★ create funny voices - easily modify recorded voices by adjusting the speed and pitch
★ 1 finger image morph - slide your finger across the photo and watch the image automagically alter
★ 2 finger resize - use 2 fingers to expand and shrink the image
★ pinpoint accuracy - when using the resize function view realtime preview of effect
★ playback function - watch a playback of the session while you listen to the audio looping
★ use photo taken on the spot or select from your photo album or
★ save photo at any stage in the session - easy one touch save to save at any point in project
★ zoom in and out to edit with precession as you zoom up to 300%
★ undo and redo steps with a click of the button - go back as far as the last session!

Learn several image and audio altering techniques guaranteed to impress your friends and result in hilarious images and audio!

Image altering techniques: the Picasso touch, the Doogie Howser, the Beetlejuice, the Hillbilly, and the Fish Face
Audio altering techniques: the Chimpmunks, the tranquilzer, high voice and bass voice.

We've updated GooeyFaces! Get it now for the special introductory price of $1.99

Update to default photo.
Bug fixes.
Stability and performance increase.
  • 現在ランキング圏外です。
更新日時:2024年6月27日 18時27分




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