Elixir: Find Balance & Purpose

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354.0MB (ダウンロードにWIFIが必要)
リリース日2023-06-05 16:00:00
評価 評価が取得できませんでした。
互換性iOS 15.0以降が必要です。
iPhone、iPad および iPod touch 対応。
  • 2024-06-03 このアプリは現在ストアから情報が取得できません。削除された可能性があります。
Your time is precious. Spend it living a life of meaning.

Imagine having the time and space for what’s truly important to you. When at the end of each day, you can look back and think, “I’m living my life on purpose.” Inspired by approaches from Action and Commitment Therapy (ACT), Elixir becomes your life coach — from setting daily priorities to making life-changing decisions.

**Go Beyond Goals**
Take your personal development to a whole new level. Elixir is much more than another goal tracker. Focus on what’s important to you so that goal-setting and self-improvement come from within. Discover your inner drive and motivation, independent from what yet another self-help app says should be important.
Here, you illuminate your innermost values. These become beacons to keep you on course. Shed the pressures of society and discover what brings you the greatest sense of satisfaction and pleasure.

**Connect to Your Core Values**
Core values are always a part of who you are, but they can become lost in the clamor and distraction of the daily grind. Step back and reconnect with them. When you’re guided by your core values, there’s no need to rely on intense self-discipline. Making the right choices for you becomes simple. You’ll stop procrastinating and reclaim your power to act. Reveal the confidence and clarity that have been waiting inside you all along — even when you face difficulties and challenges. Overcome obstacles and live with intention.

**Commit to Action**
Once you know what’s important, Elixir keeps you focused. Follow through with one-time actions that help you achieve long-term goals. Develop habits, routines, and rituals to live meaningfully. When you take a deep dive into your core values, you naturally begin to shape your time to build a fulfilling life.

**Craft a Life of Meaning**
It’s not about simply creating a better you; it’s about revealing your thriving, true self that’s always been there. Your core values guide your daily priorities, taking you on a path to living with purpose. Elixir is your compass, helping you navigate the trails.
With Elixir, you will:
- Tune in to what really matters to you
- Look at the big picture and set life goals
- Sculpt these into skills and habits
- Cultivate a more balanced life
- Let your most authentic self flourish

**Your Focus Keeper**
Maximize your time with bite-sized content:
1. Pathways: Follow step-by-step guides to bring your core values to life. Learn how to use your values to handle difficult times with more ease. Take steps toward actionable goals that are driven by your authentic self.
2. Your Daily Elixir: Each day you’ll receive your Daily Elixir — content chosen especially for you to keep your core values at the forefront of your life. In just a few minutes a day with these touchstones, you will: live with more intention, discover a more profound sense of satisfaction and experience fewer doubts and regrets.
3. Coaching: With topics like nourishing your passion, unlocking the future you, stopping procrastination, and more. A drop of inspiration here becomes a wave of motivation within yourself.

**Who We Are**
Assessed by psychologists and behavioral science experts, Elixir is from the creators of Fabulous, an award-winning app. Through the power of behavior science, we’ve already helped millions of people worldwide develop life-changing habits. Now we’re helping people find greater life balance, reach life goals, and maximize their personal growth.

Discover what happens when you live a purpose-driven life.


Read our full terms and conditions and our privacy policy at: https://www.thefabulous.co/terms.html

What's New in This Update:
Habits are even more personalized, depending on your individual routine's progress.
Multiple fixes on screen tutorials and background music.
Thanks for using Elixir!
  • 現在ランキング圏外です。
更新日時:2024年6月3日 21時31分




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