Spiral Up Lite

価格 無料
開発者Institute for Health Solutions
リリース日2022-07-12 16:00:00
評価 評価が取得できませんでした。
互換性iOS 13.0以降が必要です。
iPhone、iPad および iPod touch 対応。
  • 2024-06-28 このアプリは現在ストアから情報が取得できません。削除された可能性があります。
Mindfulness distracts you from stress and anxiety

Spiral Up™ releases your stress and clears away anxiety.

Be more specific

A friend doesn’t respond to your text and you binge eat. A car cuts you off and you explode. A colleague criticizes you and you devolve into negative self-talk.

We overreact to these (admittedly unpleasant incidents) because the incidents aren’t what we’re reacting to: We’re subconsciously reacting to a traumatic event or relationship hurt from our past – romantic, platonic, or familial. That cycle can repeat itself for decades and separate you from being in control of your life.

Spiral Up™ helps you break this cycle. It helps you understand why you do what you do – then do something about it.

Hmm. How?

Your brain is already neurologically equipped to change those reactions, and clear toxic stress chemicals. Spiral Up activates that process via a series of simple, brain-savvy “How are you?” style questions.

Answering these questions (which takes 1 - 3 minutes) causes a surge of feel-good neurotransmitters. You may even feel some joy. Every moment is not joyous — many are uncomfortable, sad, boring, strenuous, etc.— but the brain rewards us for clearing stress. That’s why endorphins bubble up.

This app contains those simple questions. And only those questions. There aren’t a thousand meditations or cheeky quizzes or rainforest sounds. Just the questions and the relief they elicit. Relief you deserve.

Who made this?

Laurel Mellin, PhD, a health psychologist, who developed Emotional Brain Training (EBT) with colleagues on the UCSF faculty in the School of Medicine. She is a NYT Bestselling author.

How often should I Spiral Up?

Use it whenever you have a moment of irrational panic, boredom, or feel bad for any reason. Spiraling Up 5x per day trains your brain to override your reflexive response to situational stress and anxiety. Your brain learns to spiral up spontaneously, so you feel better faster– even between uses of the app.

Download our free app and start a more emotionally connected life.

We overreact to these (admittedly unpleasant incidents) because the incidents aren’t what we’re reacting to: We’re subconsciously reacting to a traumatic event or relationship hurt from our past – romantic, platonic, or familial. That cycle can repeat itself for decades and separate you from being in control of your life.

Spiral Up™ helps you break this cycle. It helps you understand why you do what you do – then do something about it.

Read the terms and conditions here:

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Minor UI changes and bug fixes.
  • 現在ランキング圏外です。
更新日時:2024年6月28日 18時38分




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