Calories: Food Intake Analyser

価格 無料
開発者Parth Pandya
リリース日2020-06-18 16:00:00
評価 評価が取得できませんでした。
互換性iOS 13.0以降が必要です。
iPhone、iPad および iPod touch 対応。
  • 2024-09-02 このアプリは現在ストアから情報が取得できません。削除された可能性があります。
This app will help you to track your daily Food intake.

Exercise will only not help to maintain the health fitness. It is also important how much calories you are gaining during the day From Breakfast to Dinner. For that purpose this app will help you to track how much calories you are gaining in Breakfast, Snacks, Lunch, Dinner on daily basis. It will help you to balance your diet with respect to calories. Addition to this below are the key features you will get in this app:

1. Track Breakfast, Snacks, Lunch, Dinner Calories Daily Basis
2. Search approximate calories by food
3. Predefined 19 Food categories, Add custom food category if you want to
4. Sort / Filter records by food category, Date and expense
5. Interesting Calendar View for better visibility
6. Set your daily goal for calories intake
7. Track food expenses you have done
8. Calories calculator: Weight of Food you have (In Grams) and calories /100 Grams (You will get the calories / 100 gram on packed items)

Below Analytics Charts and Reports will help to track your intake activity for selected time period:

1. Total kCal consumed on daily basis
2. Total kCAl consumed on specific food category
3. Total kCAl consumed on Lunch / Breakfast / Snacks / Dinner
4. Total money spent on Food
5. List of All records
6. Category wise kCal consumed
7. Summary PDF Report Generate + Share via Email

This App integrates with Apple's Health App to read below data. App does not store / share those data with anyone:
1. Steps
2. Walking + Running Distance
3. Blood Type
4. Date Of Birth
5. Gender

***** DISCLAIMER *****
This app is using open source database to identify the calories for food. It is not confirming the exact amount you are taking as a Calories and giving you approximate estimation of calories you intake. Additionally it is computing the analytics based on user input entries. If you have any query regarding this app you can directly communicate the developer via email :

- Compatible to the latest iOS devices
- Minor bug fixed
- App performance improved
  • 現在ランキング圏外です。
更新日時:2024年9月2日 01時01分




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