Huron Viewbook Companion

価格 無料
229.0MB (ダウンロードにWIFIが必要)
開発者Sherpa Digital
リリース日2019-08-08 16:00:00
評価 評価が取得できませんでした。
互換性iOS 11.0以降が必要です。
iPhone、iPad および iPod touch 対応。
  • 2024-09-23 このアプリは現在ストアから情報が取得できません。削除された可能性があります。
NOTE: To view the AR experiences contained in this app, simply launch the app in a well-lit room and point the device's camera at one of the four sections, as instructed in the Viewbook, to see what they have to say about the Huron experience. For your convenience we have provided a PDF download of the AR section from the Viewbook.

Huron at Western University is Canada’s leading Liberal Arts institution, and we’re proud to welcome you to our campus – even if you can’t make the trip to London, Ontario just yet. Our university knows how important it is to choose the right university for your unique talents and goals.

To help potential Leaders with Heart do just that, we’ve created the opportunity for you to hear from a number of Huron community members about their experiences. That way, you can make a more informed decision about how our vision aligns with yours for your best-possible undergraduate experience.

Through this Augmented Reality application, you’ll have the chance to virtually meet students, faculty, alumni and staff, who will speak to what type of student thrives at Huron and how their personal journeys have been influenced by our university’s dedication to fostering excellence in leadership, mentorship, research and collaboration.

If you’re interested in attending an exceptional school that is as inclusive and diverse as it is prestigious, we sincerely hope you’ll take a few minutes to get to know how Huron’s distinct approach to education will empower you to achieve academic excellence while also encouraging you to become a more well-rounded, active and compassionate citizen.

We’re confident you’ll enjoy “meeting” some of the friendly faces that make up Huron’s rich legacy and its vibrant present, so download our AR Experience now and see yourself at a school unlike any other.

More about Huron at Western University

As one of Canada’s oldest universities and the founding institution of Western, Huron is an elite yet inclusive, Liberal Arts university that educates young people to become citizens with the skills and conviction to address global challenges.
Through its dedication to developing intelligent and empathetic leaders who have the strength of character required to influence change, Huron is defined by more than 155 years of educational excellence that produces alumni who lead internationally-recognized companies such as Facebook, Google, Loblaws, Sobeys and Rogers Communications.
What sets Huron apart?

- Average class sizes of 30 where discussion is encouraged and relationships with professors and classmates are nurtured

- Every student is guaranteed a paid internship and volunteer opportunity

- Dual-degree partnerships with Ivey Business School and Western

- Huron sends more students, per capita, to Ivey than any other university

- Only university in Ontario to partner with Harvard Business School

- Funded opportunities to work on faculty-guided research, which results in graduate school experiences at the undergraduate level

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更新日時:2024年9月23日 03時13分




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