Fictions : Choose your emotion

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174.6MB (ダウンロードにWIFIが必要)
リリース日2019-05-31 22:55:49
星4.33333 (9人)
星4.33333 (9人)
互換性iOS 11.0以降が必要です。
iPhone、iPad および iPod touch 対応。
When was the last time you had a fresh start?

When was the last time you pursued your dreams and made them a reality? When was the last time you met your true love and fought for them?
Choose your own life path!

Now you can do all of this with this special new game, Fictions. You can start an amazing adventure and make life choices that can take you to places you’ve never been before!

Choose your story and emotions with Fictions, the interactive story game that lets you choose your path in every story. Your choice can change the story!

With romance, adventure, thriller, drama, horror and more, Fictions is a new interactive story application that lets you create your own story! You get the opportunity to make choices using your own personal judgement and create a story just for you - an individual life story.

Fictions will give you the best collection of story games in the world!

The home of your beloved franchises: Love & Diaries, Heir of Love.

Find new amazing stories
- Fall in love, solve crimes and embark on epic fantasy adventures
- Pick your story from our constantly growing library with weekly chapter updates
- Control what happens next in immersive visual stories!

With Fictions, you can start an amazing adventure and make life choices that take you to places you’ve never been!

Immerse yourself in fun, interactive stories that bring you emotions, from romance to thrillers!

Available stories: it’s your Choices. Choose your story!

- Love & Diaries: Ricardo
- Love & Diaries: Aaron - Season 1-5.
- Underlove Stories: Naomi
- Heir of Love
- Heir of Love: Seven
- Heir of Love: Jimmy
- Chase Me
- Memory Hunter
- 12 Signs of Love
- AnticLove: Remake
- AnticLove: Story of two sisters
- NoMurder

Upcoming stories: it’s your Choices. Choose your story!

- Love & Diaries: Patrick - Season 3
- Memory Hunter - Season 2
- Love & Diaries: Derek
- Ouroboros
- Disloyalty
- RisingLovers season 1-2
- Intensive Care
- Love & Diaries: Ash - Season 1-5
- Love & Diaries: Damon
- Love & Diaries: Hayden
- Love & Diaries: Lucas
- Love & Diaries: Duncan - Season 1-2
- Love & Diaries: Michael - Season 1-2
- The Winter Kiss
- The Spring Kiss
- Love Influencer
- Summer Trip
- Underlove-Stories: Fame
- Prima Ballerina

And more interactive story games with powerful choices and weekly updates!

By playing the game on a daily basis, you can learn more about yourself through the choices you make. You can watch your choices as you progress through the game and see how the story reflects on your real life outside the game.

Don't underestimate the importance of making good choices! DOWNLOAD Fictions, this interactive story game, now and learn more about yourself and your choices! And choose your story!

Fictions: Choose your story features:
- You have full control of the story - your choices will make an impact.
- Multiple different characters you can interact with in different ways.
- Create your dream romance and love story.
- Find the right balance between different genres: romance, drama, horror and thriller. Choose your story!
- Enchanting and realistic graphics, colours and sounds.

And lots more…

Don't wait a minute longer! DOWNLOAD this new interactive story game now: Fictions - manage your career and love life, and make new positive choices every day!

What’s your story and what are your emotions? Play now to find out!

Links to our Terms of Use and Privacy Policy can be found below :

- Minor fix
- Improve gameplay ui
- New stories availables
  • 現在ランキング圏外です。
更新日時:2024年9月28日 11時23分




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