
価格 2440円
開発者ou lvhai
評価 評価が取得できませんでした。
互換性iOS 以降が必要です。
iPad 対応。
  • 2024-06-15 このアプリは現在ストアから情報が取得できません。削除された可能性があります。
MWeb is a professional Markdown writing, note taking, and static blog generator app for Mac, iPad, and iPhone. Here are some special features of MWeb.

## The software

* Made with supporting native technologies in mind. It is always a perfect integration with the platform.
* Aiming for modern UI and high performance, also being powerful, easy-to-use, and fully-featured.

## Markdown

### The powerful syntax

* Fully supports CommonMark standard and GitHub Flavored Markdown (GFM).
* Included with the support of creating tables, TOCs, LaTeX math, fenced code blocks, task lists, footnotes, and many more.
* Easily generate graphics with any of mermaid, Graphviz, ECharts, PlantUML, js-sequence-diagrams, and flowchart.js.

### Editing assistant

* Gracefully handle image insertion: direct copy and paste, drag and drop, and full-colored preview in the editor.
* Specify the image size in Markdown-compatible syntax.
* Inserting tables and LaTeX equations with ease.

### Note taking

* Store and manage all documents in a tree-like categoring library with a tagging system. Categories can be gracefully exported or turned into static websites.
* Put quick notes.
* Instantly search from the entire library.

### Output

* Exporting contents as various formats, including HTML, EPUB, PDF, RTF, Docx, and even image.
* Publishing the articles to Wordrpess, Metaweblog API,, Evernote, Blogger, Medium, Ghost, and Tumblr.
* Smooth support for image upload services: using Imgur, Qiniu, Upyun, or your custom API.

### External documentation

* There is an external mode in MWeb that enables importing existing markdown files in directories. It also handles contents from Gitbook, JekyII and Hexo.

## MWeb official website:

For more about MWeb, please check the MWeb official website: introduction video; it will show you how to use MWeb. We also suggest that you check the MWeb official help document:

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