NFT Blocks Construction Game

価格 無料
277.8MB (ダウンロードにWIFIが必要)
開発者Bergia Inc
リリース日2017-12-22 01:39:49
評価 評価が取得できませんでした。
互換性iOS 11.0以降が必要です。
iPhone、iPad および iPod touch 対応。
Welcome to the construction site! Lovely animals want to build houses, but they need help of an architect with unlimited imagination.
Go ahead - choose funny blocks, blocks with animation, doors and windows, colored roofs - you have many options available! You can build small houses or build a huge palace. Change the backgrounds, landscape, put funny stickers on everything around and animals will thank you with their smiles!
There are no restrictions, and if the construction goes not according to plan, you can always carry everything down with a bulldozer and start building anew. And if the bulldozer - it's boring, then you can choose Fire Dragon, Creepy Dinosaur and Cosmo-donuts!!!
A small builder, use your imagination and build an amazing city that no one has ever seen!
Build the most beautiful house and turn it into an NFT! Or you can make an NFT from the funniest house, or the smallest, or the brightest... We will mint your NFT and publish it in the Opensea collection. You will also receive it on your Ethereum wallet and become the owner of your unique token.
In game Blocks Construction Game you find a lot of interesting and useful things:
· simple gameplay that perfectly suits small children;
· realistic physics;
· borderless game in sandbox mode;
· bright graphics and funny animations;
· eight construction sites with different animals;
· a choice of many building blocks, backgrounds, landscape elements, stickers for decoration;
· different variants of ridiculous disasters to destroy bored buildings;
· The ability to make an NFT from any building and get it on your Etherium wallet.
Download the game, build incredible buildings, share your architectural masterpieces with your friends!

We've added an incredible new feature to our Construction game! Now you can create an NFT using any of your buildings. Choose a nice house you want to make NFT and we will mint it and list it on Opensea!!!
We also improved the app and fixed bugs.
  • 現在ランキング圏外です。
更新日時:2024年9月27日 20時28分




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