Mobo Greenhouse Garden

価格 120円
開発者Klementyna Nurzynska
リリース日2017-10-02 21:31:53
評価 評価が取得できませんでした。
互換性iOS 7.0以降が必要です。
iPhone、iPad および iPod touch 対応。
  • 2024-06-20 このアプリは現在ストアから情報が取得できません。削除された可能性があります。
Come on! We need your help to take care of our garden. There are many different seeds to plant and take care of. And your little animal friends are hungry. We decided to put them on a healthy diet, so there is a need for some fresh cucumbers, pumpkins, carrots, chili peppers and many more.

In Mobo Greenhouse game you are a professional gardener but you are not alone. Just seed some magic beans and wait for cute little leprechauns to help you.

If you are really good at growing plants, you will win awards, e.g. for “The most beautiful cucumber in the world”. Take a picture with your price and enjoy it later. Satisfaction is guaranteed.

Mobo Greenhouse is not only about vegetables. We believe that beauty is also a real value - so your kid can grow some flowers. There is a benefit to that. Busy bees will come and produce sweet honey that Mr. Dog, Clever Parrot, Little Kitten and Brave Dinosaur love.

Our goal is to entertain and inspire, allowing children to learn through play. Greenhouse Garden is an app that not only fosters curiosity but demonstrates cause and effect for children and stimulates memory. It also helps to develop eye-hand coordination.

The game is kid-friendly and safe, animals are cute and graphics is adorable.

Mobo Greenhouse Garden is a unique game – there is always something happening there. You have to take a really good care of your seeds, water them and remove the weeds.

But be careful and watch for moles. They can make some trouble. Greenhouse Garden is a very special game, which shows toddlers how to create a magnificent garden and keep it that way. The game is joyful, there are no scores or time limits.

Mobo Greenhouse Garden encourage kids to discover nature and to learn about the world while raising awareness about the environment. There’s no better way to learn about nature.

- Learning through play - edutainment game with multiple possibilities
- Kid-friendly interface, perfect for little fingers
- No third-party advertising and no in-app purchases
- Diverse group of fun characters, such as Little Kitten or Mr. Dog
- No scores or time limits
- Educational value: showing how to grow seeds demonstrating cause and effect for children and stimulating memory

- subtitle update
  • 現在ランキング圏外です。
更新日時:2024年6月20日 21時05分




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