Benozzo Gozzoli Artworks Stickers

価格 120円
開発者Francois Bulteau
リリース日2017-04-26 21:14:12
評価 評価が取得できませんでした。
互換性iOS 10.3以降が必要です。
iPhone、iPad および iPod touch 対応。
More than 140 stickers of Benozzo Gozzoli Artworks Stickers! Add them to your iMessages and use this masterspieces to customize your messages. Impress your friends with your knowledge !
- Adoration of the Magi
- Adoration of the Magi
- Madonna and Child Giving Blessings
- San Domenico Annunciation
- Madonna and Child (detail)
- Madonna and Child between St. Francis and St. Bernardine of Siena
- Madonna della Cintola
- St. Fortunatus Enthroned
- Birth of St. Francis, Prophecy of the Birth by a Pilgrim, Homage of the Simple Man
- Birth of St. Francis, Prophecy of the Birth by a Pilgrim, Homage of the Simple Man (detail)
- Death and Ascention of St. Francis
- Death of the Knight of Celano
- Dream of Innocent III and the Confirmation of the Rule
- Dream of Innocent III and the Confirmation of the Rule (detail)
- Establishment of the Manger at Greccio
- Madonna and Child Surrounded by Saints
- Madonna and Child Surrounded by Saints
- Madonna and Child with St. Francis and the donor Fra Jacopo da Montefalco (left) and St. Bernardino of Siena (right)
- Preaching to the Birds and Blessing Montefalco
- Preaching to the Birds and Blessing Montefalco (detail)
- Renunciation of Worldly Goods and The Bishop of Assisi Dresses St. Francis
- Scenes from the Life of St. Francis (north wall)
- Scenes from the Life of St. Francis (south wall)
- St. Francis Giving Away His Clothes, Vision of the Church Militant and Triumphant
- St. Francis Giving Away His Clothes, Vision of the Church Militant and Triumphant (detail)
- St. Francis in Glory and Saints
- St. Francis in Glory and Saints
- St. Jerome Pulling a Thorn from a Lion's Paw
- Stigmatization of St. Francis
- The Departure of St. Jerome from Antioch
- The Expulsion of the Devils from Arezzo
- Trial by Fire Before the Sultan
- Trial by Fire Before the Sultan (detail)
- View of the Main Apsidal Chapel
- View of the Main Apsidal Chapel
- Vision of St. Dominic and Meeting of St. Francis and St. Dominic
- Saint Ursula with Angels and Donor (detail)
- Madonna and Child with Sts John the Baptist, Peter, Jerome, and Paul
- Angel Gathering Flowers in a Heavenly Landscape (detail)
- Procession of the Oldest King
- Angels Worshipping
- Angels Worshipping (detail)
- Procession of the Magi (detail)
- Procession of the Magus Balthazar (detail)
- Procession of the Magus Caspar (detail)
- Procession of the Magus Melchior (detail)
- St. Dominic Reuscitates Napoleone Orsini
- Procession of the Magi
- Fall of Simon Magus
- The Dance of Salome
- The Dance of Salome (detail)
- Arrival of St. Augustine in Milan
- Baptism of St. Augustine
- Blessing of the Faithful at Hippo
- Conversion of the Heretic
- Death of St. Monica
- Disembarkation at Ostia
- Funeral of St. Augustine
- Martyrdom of St. Sebastian
- Raphael and Tobias
- Scenes with St. Ambrose
- Scenes with St. Ambrose (detail)
- St. Augustine at the University of Car...

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