Jean Leon Gerome Artworks Stickers

価格 120円
開発者Francois Bulteau
リリース日2017-04-27 21:01:28
評価 評価が取得できませんでした。
互換性iOS 10.3以降が必要です。
iPhone、iPad および iPod touch 対応。
  • 2024-09-28 このアプリは現在ストアから情報が取得できません。削除された可能性があります。
More than 150 stickers of Jean Leon Gerome Artworks Stickers! Add them to your iMessages and use this masterspieces to customize your messages. Impress your friends with your knowledge !
- The Tryst
- The Tryst
- Young Greeks Encouraging Cocks to Fight
- Saint Vincent of Paule
- Greek Interior
- The Virgin the Infant Jesus and St. John
- Portrait of Marianne Elisa Birch
- The Bacchante
- A Soul Taken away by an Angel
- Funeral Wake
- Thebes Colosseums, Memnon and Sesostris (study)
- Egyptian Recruits Crossing the Desert
- King Candaules of Lydia
- Old Woman with a Pipe (sketch)
- The Odysseus
- Nude from behind (Study for King Candaule)
- The Dead Caesar
- The Draught Players
- The Duel after the Masquerade
- Diogenes
- Phryne before the Areopagus
- Gladiator Playing the Trumpet
- Louis XIV and Moliere
- General Bonaparte with his Military Staff in Egypt
- General Bonaparte with his Military Staff in Egypt
- The Dance of the Almeh
- Albanian Warior
- Prayer in Cairo
- Slave Market
- Jerusalem
- The Death of Caesar
- Black Bashi Bazouk
- Bonaparte Before the Sphinx
- Napoleon in Egypt
- A Bashi Bazouk
- Pelt Merchant of Cairo
- The Carpet Merchant of Cairo
- Arabs Crossing the Desert
- Interior of a Mosque
- Moorish Bath
- The End of the Corrida
- The Snake Charmer
- Arnaut of Cairo
- Pollice Verso
- The Arab and his Steed
- Arab Girl with Waterpipe
- Eminence Grise - François Leclerc du Tremblay
- Eminence Grise - François Leclerc du Tremblay (detail)
- Markos Botsaris
- Mirmillon
- The Standard Bearer
- Reception of Le Grand Condé at Versailles
- A Muezzin Calling from the Top of a Minaret the Faithful to Prayer
- Anacreon, Love and Bacchus
- Bashi-Bazouk Chieftain
- Cave Canem
- Arnaut Blowing Smoke at the Nose of His Dog
- Egyptian Water Carrier
- The Tulip Folly
- Woman from Cairo Smoking a Cigarette
- Nominor Leo
- The Christian Martyr's Last Prayer
- Slave Market in Rome
- The Large Pool of Bursa
- Cleopatra and Caesar
- Nude Girl
- Self-Portrait
- The Carpet Merchant
- Quaerens Quem Devoret
- Lion Snapping at a Butterfly
- Dancer with an Apple
- Pygmalion and Galatea
- Pygmalion and Galatea
- The Birth of Venus
- Working in Marble, or The Artist Sculpting Tanagra
- The Pain
- The Conspirators, Presented at the Salon
- Painting Breathes Life into Sculpture
- Painting Breathes Life into Sculpture
- Sarah Bernhardt
- Summer Afternoon on a Lake
- The Truth at the bottom of a Well
- Whirling Dervishes
- Entry of the Christ in Jerusalem
- Entry of the Christ in Jerusalem
- Bathing Women
- The Beggar
- The Hookah Lighter
- Frederick the Great
- The Oracle of Snakes
- Bathsheba
- Arab Frightening Larks Away (unfinished)
- Moses on Mount Sinai
- Mufti Reading in His Prayer Stool
- Dying Eagle of Waterloo
- Souvenir of Achéres
- A Bath, Woman Bathing Her Feet
- A Café in Cairo
- A Chat by the Fireside
- A Collaboration
- A Harem
- A Hot Day in Cairo (front of the Mosque)
- A Japanese Imploring a Divinity
- A Roman Slave Market
- A Seated Female Nude
- A Street Scene in Cairo
- A View of Cairo
- A Woman in a Veil
- After the Bath
- Aimé Morot
- Amédée Thierry
- Amehs Playing Chess in a Café
- An Arab and His Dog
- An Arab Caravan
- An Arab Caravan outside a Fortified Town, Egypt
- Anacreon
- Arab Encampment
- Arms Dealer in Cairo
- Arnautm Smoking
- Arnauts of Cairo at the Gate of Bab-el-Nasr
- Bacchus and Anacreon love
- Bashi-Bazouk and his Dog
- Bashi-Bazouk Singing
- Bathers by the Edge of a River
- Bathsheba
- Bisharin Warrior
- Bust of Paul Reclus
- Caesar Crossing the Rubicon
- Cairene Horse Dealer
- Camels at the Fountain
- Corinth
- Dancer with Tambourine
- Dante (He Hath Seen Well)
- Dante and Virgil in Hell
- Dispute Arabs
- Drunken Bacchus and Cupid
- Excursion of the Harem
- Gérôme executing the Gladiators
- Greek youths who are being converted to Islam - Young Greeks at the ...

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更新日時:2024年9月28日 22時17分




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