Inner Peace Hypnosis

価格 720円
開発者Steve Wichett
リリース日2017-04-15 08:00:59
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互換性iOS 7.1以降が必要です。
iPhone、iPad および iPod touch 対応。
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Enjoy Deep Inner Peace - by Steve Wichett, UK Clinical Hypnotherapist

Includes all three tracks from the album Inner Peace, of varying lengths to suit your time available and needs.

Inner Peace 8.42 minutes
Lakeside Visualisation 21.08 minutes
Inner Peace and Lakeside Visualisation 25.33 minutes

Using the latest psychological approaches and modern methods of inducing hypnotic trance, Steve is well known for the high quality of his private client work. As an experienced hypnotherapist with over 20 years in practice, based in London's prestigious Harley Street and Hampshire, he says "I have always been fascinated by hypnosis, and just how easily it works.....the unconscious mind seems to know just what to do, and at just the right time. " You can also purchase deeper and more profound recordings from within the app. Experience just what you would in a one-to-one session with this NLP Master Practitioner and Licensed NLP Trainer, at a fraction of the cost. These recordings are yours to keep and use forever.

Steve Wichett SNLP is a Clinical Hypnotherapist (NCH, BIH, CNHC), Master Hypnotist, Registered Psychotherapist (MBACP), and NLP Master Practitioner and Licensed Trainer (SNLP). He has been in private practice for over 20 years, and over that time he has seen thousands of personal clients, and helped train many hundreds of colleagues. He runs busy UK practices in Central London (Harley Street) and Hampshire (Winchester) and is recognised as a skilled and dedicated professional by his clients and colleagues. Articles about his work, approach and results have appeared in Easy Living, The Times, The Mail on Sunday, The Sunday Times, The Telegraph, The Independent, Holland And Barrett's Healthy Living, FHM Magazine and many other publications. You can download MP3 versions (for laptops and desktops, Macs and PCs) of all these recordings at our website Copyright © Steve Wichett.

All rights reserved. Reproduction without written permission strictly prohibited. TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF USE You should not listen to these hypnotic recordings whilst driving or operating machinery. These recordings are designed to aid relaxation and rest, and are NOT intended as a substitute for medical advice or treatment, nor are they intended to treat any physical or mental health conditions. If you are taking prescribed medication or have any health conditions that cause concern, you should consult your medical adviser before use. All rights reserved, reproduction in any form is prohibited. All content copyright © Steve Wichett except background music by Silencio, used with specific consent.

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