Edward Burne Jones Artworks Stickers

価格 120円
開発者Francois Bulteau
リリース日2017-01-26 05:26:05
評価 評価が取得できませんでした。
互換性iOS 10.2以降が必要です。
iPhone、iPad および iPod touch 対応。
  • 2024-06-27 このアプリは現在ストアから情報が取得できません。削除された可能性があります。
More than 170 stickers of Edward Burne Jones Artworks Stickers! Add them to your iMessage and use this masterspieces to customize your message. Impress your friends with your knowledge !
- Sidonia von Bork
- Going to the Battle
- The Knight`s Farewell
- The Legend of St. Frideswide
- The Wise and Foolish Virgins
- Annunciation
- Clara von Bork
- Clerk Saunders
- Girl and Goldfish
- Merlin and Nimue
- Fatima
- Hope in Prison
- Morgan Le Fay
- The Annunciation. The Flower of God
- Cinderella
- The Merciful Knight
- Wedding of Sir Tristram
- Saint George and The Dragon The Princess Tied to the Tree
- The Lament
- The Princess Sabra Led to the Dragon Painting
- Cupid and Psyche
- Green Summer
- Laus Veneris
- St. George and the Dragon
- Three Trumpeting Angels
- Hesperus. The Evening Star
- Maria Zambaco
- Night
- Phyllis and Demophon
- The Godhead Fires, Pygmalion
- The Hand Refrains. The Pygmalion Series
- The Heart Desires. The Pygmalion Series
- The King's Wedding
- The March Marigold
- Cupid Delivering Psyche
- Dorigen of Britain Waiting for the Return of Her Husband
- Sleeping Beauty
- Miriam
- Temperantia
- Daniel
- Venus Discordia
- Psyche and Pan
- The Beguiling of Merlin (Merlin and Vivien)
- The Mirror of Venus
- The Passing of Venus
- The Sirens
- Perseus and the Sea Nymphs
- Saint George
- Song of Love
- The Garden Of The Heserides
- An Angel Playing a Flageolet
- The Godhead Fires
- The Hand Refrains, 2nd series, Pygmalion
- The Heart Desires, Pygmalion
- The Vision of Saint Catherine
- The Annnciation
- Love
- David's Charge to Solomon
- Earth Mother
- The Hours
- The Mill
- The Morning of the Resurrection
- Georgiana Burne Jones, their children Margaret and Philip in the background
- The Wheel of Fortune
- King Cophetua and the Beggar Maid
- The Arming of Perseus
- The Doom Fulfilled
- The Mirror of Venus
- The Baleful Head
- The Garden Of Pan
- Danae and the Brazen Tower
- The Escape of Perseus
- The Rock of Doom
- Heart of the Rose
- The Briar Wood
- The Council Chamber
- The Garden Court
- The Sleaping Beauty
- Spona de Libano
- The Pilgrim at the Gate of Idleness
- Love Among the Ruins
- The Arming and Departure of the Knights
- The Fall of Lucifer
- Portrait of Cecily Horner
- The Wedding of Psyche
- Last Judgement
- Nymphs of the Stars
- The Dream of Launcelot at the Chapel of the San Graal
- Girl's Head
- Gudrun Setting Fire to Atli s Palace
- The Calling of Perseus
- The Challenge in the Wilderness
- Achievment Galahad the Sang Graal
- An Angel
- Angel
- Angeli Laudantes
- Angels of Creation
- Arthur in Avalon
- Astrologia
- Balthazar
- Baronne Deslandes
- Cat and Kitten
- Cupids Forge
- Danae And The Brazen Tower
- Days of Creation, The 1st Day
- Days of Creation, The 3rd Day
- Design For The Sirens
- Fair Rosamond and Queen Eleonor
- Faith Hope and Charity
- Finding Psyche
- George Howard
- Guinevere rescued by Lancelot
- Head Study for The Masque of Cupid
- Head Study of Maria Zambaco (The Wine of Circe)
- Hope
- Hunting Fields
- Jesus and Woman at the Well
- King Gaspar
- King Mark and La Belle Iseult
- Lady Frances Balfour
- Lady Windsor
- Love Leading The Pilgrim
- Margaret
- Margaret Burne Jones
- Melchoir
- Melchoir
- Mermaid With Her Offspring
- Musical Angels
- Olive Maxse
- Owain departs from Landine
- Paderewski
- Perseus And The Graiae
- Portrait Group Of The Artists Family
- Portrait of a Young Boy
- Portrait of Katie Lewis
- Pygmalion
- Sibylla Delphica
- Song of Love
- Spring
- Study for Masque of Cupid
- Study for the Garden Court
- Sybil
- The Adoration of the Magi
- The Annunciation The Angel
- The Briar Wood
- The Council Chamber
- The damsel of the Sanct Grail
- The Depths Of The Sea
- The Dream of Lancelot (Study)
- The Garden Court (study)
- The Garden of the Hesperides...

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更新日時:2024年6月27日 11時23分




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