NCLEX Drug Study Guide - Premium

価格 1200円
開発者Emmanuel Reyes
リリース日2017-01-05 03:44:38
評価 評価が取得できませんでした。
互換性iOS 8.0以降が必要です。
iPhone、iPad および iPod touch 対応。
  • 2024-09-28 このアプリは現在ストアから情報が取得できません。削除された可能性があります。
350+ Medications
300+ NCLEX style questions w/ explanations
700+ Flashcards
9 Practical Nursing Tools
Access to online and mobile versions
Includes the ability to add notes throughout the app!

- The most up-to-date, essential, and easy-to-use nurse drug reference available to pass the updated April 2016 NCLEX guidelines that will be in effect for the next three years.
- 116 most common medication classifications/categories used with information such as mechanisms of action, vital signs to watch for, relevant labs, common/adverse side effects, and nursing considerations for each.
- Over 350 common medications (generic and brand name) used within the classifications with all possible routes of administration information and nursing considerations for each that include therapeutic levels and antidotes.
- Close to 1000 flashcards to help you study in a different format and cement your understanding
- Over 300 NCLEX style questions with detailed explanations to help you test your knowledge
- Helpful mnemonics and acronyms used throughout the app to help you study and learn the information in the easiest way.
- Includes 9 lists of helpful nursing tools:
1. Normal lab values: BMP, CBC’s with differential, Red blood cell indices, LFT’s, Coagulation studies, Trace minerals, ABG’s, Cholesterol levels, Urinalysis, Urine dipstick, and other common lab values needed to know
2. Normal vital signs for all ages
3. Common conversions including volume, mass, height, weight, and temperature
4. Medication administration information including: PO, SQ, IM, IV, Topical, Inhalation, Ophthalmic, Ear, Sublingual, Buccal, Intravaginal, and Rectal
5. Isolation precautions information, standard/universal, contact, droplet, airborne
6. Pregnancy categories, including meds that should be avoided
7. Substance abuse schedules
8. Common medication administration abbreviations
9. Common EKG strips with descriptions

- All of the information is web-based, will be able to access on all forms of tools, mobile phones, tablets, and laptops.
- Ability to register and personalize the app by adding notes throughout entire app that becomes available on all forms of access tools.
- Ability add you own category and drugs
- Ability to scroll and search by medication classification
- Ability to search by both generic and trade name
- Auto-complete to predict the name you seek
- Tabbed browsing to find the information you need fast

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  • 現在ランキング圏外です。
更新日時:2024年9月28日 12時16分




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