Fruit Farm Panda Premium: Blast Candy Mania Cookie

価格 240円
211.7MB (ダウンロードにWIFIが必要)
開発者Nghien Pham
リリース日2016-11-30 09:36:35
評価 評価が取得できませんでした。
互換性iOS 7.0以降が必要です。
iPhone、iPad および iPod touch 対応。
  • 2024-09-02 このアプリは現在ストアから情報が取得できません。削除された可能性があります。
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Welcome to Panda Freestyle game.
simple game suitable for all phone, how to play classic extremely easy
The game has been designed beautiful images and funny characters with entirely new and attractive challenges. You are who explore and overcome adventure and exciting journeys in Panda Freestyle Game.
The game starts from the idea of Panda bear and his bile farm. You will turn into Pandas and harvest fresh fruits on bile farm before insects attack. You will the fruit baskets to harvest fruits; however, the number of basket in the warehouse is limited and a basket only keeps 6 fruits. So, you need find new baskets to complete the tasks.
It is a best game that you will be getting the rewards each day, each day you will be using a rotation bonus free every time the icon broken hearts heal, when you use your second heart will break you can buy back your heart this by the number of coins you have
The truth about the Timing you need to pass it with the fastest possible Timing period
It's great when just playing the game you have been enjoying the game's background music, "classical music"
harvest fruit made up of white sugar sugar
each level as the computer operator to you solve you not only have to harvest the fruit at the request but also have to calculate the number of the baskets you have and how you can make more baskets for the next level. You will be the math solver, raven symone
During harvest time, you have to overcome many adventure challenges such as, crazy vines, poisonous spiders, the tornado or insects. The vines grow irregularly with bizarre shapes. They will prevent me from harvesting, so the task is destroying the vines and getting hidden fruits in vines. Other sides, the poisonous spiders also destroy crops by spinneret into fruits and make them frozen. You need to remove spider web by picking fruits nearby. The tornado will make me difficult in harvesting fruits because fruits will be changed direction, so you need to consider and determine exactly and carefully the way of tornado. Another challenge is catching the worms or insects as soon as, if not the insects will eat all fruits and you will lose.
Save the bees, ants in the game will help you overcome the difficulty levels
list of fruits you need to collect each level takes on a more difficult
The feature of game:
- Hundreds of levels have been updated weekly
- Beautiful and attractive designed with 6 fruits: mangos, lime fruits, custard-apples, red peppers, plums and pears; and other items such as baskets, magic bottle, hammers and moving hand; and obstacles like worms, bees, vines and spider web.
- Combine 3 fruits in a line; you will get bonus 3 fruits, zoey 101
- Combine 4 fruits in a line; you will get bonus 4 fruits and a basket, in special, a fruit will have feature of eating the whole vertical or horizontal row.
- Combine 5 fruits in a line; you will receive bonus 5 fruits, 5 baskets and a magic bottle. When using the magic bottle, you will harvest all fruits swiping with it.
- Combine 5 fruits in a right angle; you will get bonus 5 fruits, 2 baskets and a fruit can eat all 9 surrounding fruits.
- Spray can make wormy fruit become normal and fresh.
- Hammer can break unnecessary fruits.
- Moving hand can change positions of two close fruits; you will lose one move when using this item.
- Combine fruits in a column and an explosive fruit, you can eat all columns or rows within 3*3.
- Combine a magic bottle with eating fruits in a column; you can turn all fruits into same fruits (likely to eat fruits in a row).
- Combine an explosive fruit with a magic bottle; you can turn the same fruits into explosive fruits.

  • 現在ランキング圏外です。
更新日時:2024年9月2日 08時20分




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