Salad Recipe Book

価格 無料
開発者Hitbytes Technologies
リリース日2016-10-20 09:57:34
評価 評価が取得できませんでした。
互換性iOS 10.0以降が必要です。
iPhone、iPad および iPod touch 対応。
  • 2024-06-29 このアプリは現在ストアから情報が取得できません。削除された可能性があります。
Salad recipes free is a completely free app which brings you the collection of wide variety of delicious and healthy mouth-watering salad recipes. It's completely FREE for all time. If you are a beginner in cooking then this will be the best cooking guide for you. We always searches for healthy and delicious dishes. Be a professional cook from your own kitchen itself. Now, you can surprise your families, friends, relatives by cooking variety recipes. Salad recipes brings you all festive special recipes. It's simple way of cooking. Recipes that are easy to cook and with available ingredients . Salads along with chicken and meals is a perfect combination. Salads can also be used as a snacks. Grilled salad , green salad , with lots of sauce and cheese make dinner parties exciting. Potato salad, Greek salad, Vegan salad, Onion salad and more are there. Special Halloween, Christmas, Easter, Thanksgiving recipes too. Salad is an essential part of all fat cutting diet. Proper diet is needed for a healthy body. There are plenty of salad recipes which can be made easy and quickly. Grilled salad is a special type of recipe. Explore the best delicious salad recipes from this free recipe book. Authentic collection of Salads which satisfy your hunger. Even kids can prepare dishes very easily using this app. Try some yummy and tasty salad recipes from our recipe app and be healthy. Salad recipes are the best food recipes which go with all main dishes. Tuna salads with a lot of vegetables and olives can be a party favourite. Fruit salad is a special and yummy dessert. Egg salad is a very famous dish which is made during Easter and Christmas. Potatoes is a main ingredient in some salads. it is high rich in protein and vitamins too. Recipes are available in your native language. Step by step instructions for cooking a new recipe is provided. When it is time to buy the ingredients and other household needs, utilise the "Shopping List" where you can categorise and easily sort items. Experience the feeling of self-satisfaction after cooking different dishes!. Add to favourite a newly discovered recipe to access it anytime. Look through an extensive choice of recipes.

Download, Start cooking your favourite Salad recipe.

Introducing 'Smart Recipe Finder' : Users can select 5 ingredients and can search for the recipe having those ingredients.
Minor bug fixes and design changes.
  • 現在ランキング圏外です。
更新日時:2024年6月29日 11時47分




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