Reefminder Fish Log

価格 無料
110.8MB (ダウンロードにWIFIが必要)
開発者Alexander Fanaian
リリース日2017-01-11 11:22:33
評価 評価が取得できませんでした。
互換性iOS 13.0以降が必要です。
iPhone、iPad および iPod touch 対応。
Reefminder is the ultimate, easy-to-use aquarium log and inventory management app for your saltwater aquarium. It also provides tools specific to reef keeping, and great for reminders to check your tank. Get it? Reefminder?

In the saltwater fish and reef keeping hobby, we invest a lot of time and effort into maintaining our tanks. We all know to keep our eye on things like water quality, chemistry, livestock behavior, equipment performance, and so on. However, we tend to only record these numbers when things go wrong. That’s why experts in the hobby not only monitor their tanks, but they record and document their results.

This is what the pros call an Aquarium Log.

We have tried keeping a good ol’ fashion paper journal, but when you’re at your local store or out talking with some experts, you can never remember what you wrote down (and what a pain to remember to bring a journal with you). We have also tried some of the other apps out there, but most are over complicated, tedious, and cumbersome.

So that’s why we created Reefminder.

With Reefminder, you can quickly and easily log every livestock item you add, water change you perform, equipment you check, or just note any interesting observations, all with our amazing timeline based interface. Just tap the “+” button, and all the different “event” types appear as color coded icons. Once you record your event, it is displayed in a beautiful timeline. We think this timeline is the easiest way to quickly view your tanks history at a glance.

Reefminder is just the first step in a suite of products to come. So we thank you in advance for being an early adopter. The more you add to your Reefminder log, the more it will benefit you when we release some other products in the future!…Wink wink!

Bug fixes and improvements.
  • 現在ランキング圏外です。
更新日時:2024年9月28日 00時23分




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