Shoutout Animals

価格 120円
開発者Shout Out Trivia, Inc.
リリース日2016-03-08 02:26:11
評価 評価が取得できませんでした。
互換性iOS 8.0以降が必要です。
iPhone、iPad および iPod touch 対応。
  • 2024-09-27 このアプリは現在ストアから情報が取得できません。削除された可能性があります。
Five topics are included in this app: Animals, Cats, Dogs, Birds, Aquatic.

Created by Trivia Carl, this infotainment app brings trivia into the moment, being played with the real people you are with, and NOT online (what a concept!). There is no need for an Internet connection once the app is downloaded to your device, so the app can even be used in Airplane Mode–perfect for passing the time on long flights or commuting to work. Only one person needs the app to play. Just pull out your iPhone and challenge whomever you are with: whether it is you alone, a friend, or a full house.

Shout Out Trivia CAN be a competition to see how smart you are, but it is more about having FUN! This is not your everyday multiple-choice app clone, because it is more satisfying to come up with the answer than to be told what it is. In duo- and multiple-player modes the questioner can even sneak a private look at the answer. Hints and clues are encouraged. The higher everyone’s score is, the more fun the session will be.

You don’t get a higher score by being fast, but only by being knowledgeable. Guessing is guessing, knowing is knowing. And isn’t that what makes trivia fun in the first place? If you take too long with your answers, Trivia Carl might just insult you.

Have you ever learned a really cool fact from a trivia game and then forgotten it, never to be able to find it again? The questions in Shout Out Trivia are not random, sometimes relating to a previous question, and come up in the same order every time it is played. This allows the player to learn and memorize the information presented and to go back and share it over again with friends (almost like flash-cards).

Other topic sets are available, as well as a free game (Shoutout 101), which includes ten topics: Villains, Inventions, Explorers, Westerns, Geography, Marilyn, Boxing, Books and Disco.

This update is signed with Apple’s latest signing certificate. No new features are included.
  • 現在ランキング圏外です。
更新日時:2024年9月27日 16時32分




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